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The 'VTLUUG' namespace should be removed once we fix the wiki

Event supplies

Category Item Location Status Notes
Publicity Old banner Unknown Idle
Publicity Box of t-shirts, spray-paint, stickers mjh Idle
Publicity New banner Unknown Idle
Publicity Tux echarlie Idle
Ethernet cables 1 blue 25' mjh Idle
Ethernet cables 1 gray 25' mjh? Idle
Ethernet cables 1 green 25' CVL? In use?
Ethernet cables 1 purple 25' mjh Idle
Ethernet cables 1 yellow 25' mjh Idle
Ethernet cables 1 orange 100' Timelord In use
Ethernet cables 1 white 100' mjh? Idle
Cables Box of KVM cables WHIT 432 R1 Idle
Misc Box of old PC parts WHIT 432 R1 Idle Donated by mutantmonkey
Publicity Box of 120 Fedora 19 CDs CVL For installfest From SoGent



Use this for servers, switches, other hardware, etc. that we use even if we don't own them, and mark the appropriate rack location (from the bottom) and circuit breaker number. Put VMs here as well and mark the rack location with an asterisk. For servers that are barcoded as VT property, list both the administrator group and the department that has it in inventory (e.g. VTLUUG/ECE for a VTLUUG server in ECE inventory).

Type Hostname Room Location Circuit Owner Use Notes
VM sczi.vtluug.org WHIT 7xx VTLUUG Web host 100% dockerized
Server dirtycow.vtluug.org WHIT 7xx VTLUUG Primary NFS host
VM acidburn.vtluug.org WHIT 7xx VTLUUG Shell/Mail Server
Server meltdown.vtluug.org WHIT 7xx VTLUUG Primary VM/Docker host For critical VMs & containers
Server gibson.vtluug.org WHIT 7xx VTLUUG HPC/GPU server for compute
VM chimera.vtluug.org WHIT 7xx VTLUUG FreeIPA
Server mjh.ece.vt.edu WHIT 7xx mjh
Server joey.vtluug.org WHIT 7xx VTLUUG/ECE old router
Server switch.private.vtluug.org WHIT 7xx VTLUUG/ECE Switch
Server spectre.vtluug.org WHIT 7xx VTLUUG Secondary VM/docker host For non-critical things
Server cyberdelia.vtluug.org WHIT 7xx VTLUUG/ECE Secondary NFS host
Server shellshock.vtluug.org WHIT 7xx VTLUUG/ECE router