no edit summary
Most other VTLUUG-owned servers are currently stored in [[user:dsetareh|Ali]]'s basement, with the exception of [[infrastructure:sunway|sunway]]
and a SuperMicro server, which were all transferred to WUVT. The list of these machines includes [[Infrastructure:Wood|Wood]],
[[Infrastructure:Temp88191|our router]], and a variety of other servers, including our old LXC hosts, the mirror, and a DEC Alpha server.
to the internal network on the 10.99.x.x/16 subnet. In the future, it may be wise to bridge this network to an
ethernet port on cyberdelia, so that a switch can be used to network our other services. When we have rackspace
to do so, [[Infrastructure:IPsec|VPN]]/[[Iodine]] access to the internal network will be necessary.
In theory, services can be provided via a hidden service (read: [[Tor]]), but that introduces other complications.
Alternately, services can require use of the [[Infrastructure:IPsec|VPN]] on [[Infrastructure:acidburn|acidburn]],
[[Iodine]], or [[Secure Shell|ssh tunnelling]], although all of these limit usage to members with a shell account.
== Services ==
* [[Infrastructure:Razor|Razor]]
* [[Infrastructure:Milton|Milton]]/[[Infrastructure:Sczi|Sczi]]
** Website
*** Wiki
Until recently, VTLUUG ran a Gopher server on Milton, with a small welcome page and access to /files. Git hosting was also provided; authenticated access was over SSH with [ gitosis] and public access was via Gitweb and the insecure Git protocol.$user/ was previously a source directory of files placed in a user's $HOME/public directory on NFS.<!--nowiki>[When? I thought it was always -- I don't think it matters. the point is that this ''was'' a feature--]</nowiki>
VTLUUG members also ran '''''', although it was never an official VTLUUG project. The IPv4 allocation for this domain is still available.
| 172.xx.xx.xx (ECE DHCP)
| snapfeed