Sczi is our 2nd generation cyberdelia web-host. It is projected to replace milton in March of 2016.
In 2014, Sczi had been selected as the name for the new mail server for VTLUUG. However, following the CVL eviction and Cyber Auschwitz, the LUUG decided to build a new web server using this name, and run mail on the rebuilt Acidburn
The name is taken from a real-life hacker from the University of Maryland, who had previously come to many VTLUUG hackathons and cyber-security summits. The man has since disappeared.
sczi is a VM running on cyberdelia. It is running Debian 8.3 "Jessie", as of installation, and is integrated with both LDAP and NFS. Most web pages are statically generated HTML served by nginx, with some dynamic modification through PHP.
Eventually, postgres will be configured, to migrate gobblerpedia and this wiki, and either uwsgi will be configured to move the website, or someone will volunteer to redo the website.
- Hokie Privacy
- linx
- gopher (identical to that currently at gopher://
- snapchat-related thing