HokieTux, the VTLUUG Mascot

The Linux and Unix Users Group at Virginia Tech (VTLUUG or "the LUUG") is dedicated to improving the computing skills of its members, supporting Linux and Unix use on campus, and serving the community through Free Software and open data.

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The Spring 2025 installfest will be held in the first week of February. Keep an eye on the vtluug-g listserv and our chat for a precise date and planning info.
If you're interested in the event, join our chat and come to meetings to help us organize the next one!
Required to use Linux for a class?
Curious about one of the few Microsoft Windows alternatives out there?
Just having a hard time getting Linux going on your laptop?

Come on out to the Virginia Tech Linux & UNIX User’s Group Installfest!
Experienced Linux and UNIX users will be on hand to assist anyone with Linux/UNIX installations, as well as general troubleshooting.

No registration required – just show up! Stay for a little while or the whole time.