Warzone 2100

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Warzone 2100 is a 3D real-time strategy game with a post-apocalyptic setting. Originally a proprietary work written in C by Pumpkin Studios, the source was released under the GPL-2.0 in late 2004 by the publisher Eidos Interactive. Some data used by the latest version is licensed CC-BY-SA-3.0 and CC0, and and some libraries the current version links against are PD and BSD licensed. The Warzone 2100 Project (previously named the Warzone 2100 Resurrection Project) actively maintains the codebase. Gameplay is mouse-driven with some keyboard shortcuts, much like the controls for other real-time strategy games like Starcraft.

Warzone 2100.png


The latest stable version is available from the game's site in various formats and for various platforms. Versions packed by distributions are generally out of date.


The following instructions were written for Debian Wheezy and may not work on other platforms or versions. If you would like to see additional coverage, please add it yourself or make a request on the wiki's wanted page.

sudo apt-get install build-essential bison flex zip pkg-config \
  qt4-dev-tools libsdl1.2-dev libtheora-dev libopenal-dev \
  libvorbis-dev libglew-dev libphysfs-dev libxrandr-dev \
  libfribidi-dev libfontconfig1-dev
[[ ! -d ~/prj/warzone ]] && mkdir -p ~/prj/warzone; cd ~/prj/warzone
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/warzone2100/releases/3.1.0/warzone2100-3.1.0.tar.xz
tar xf warzone2100-3.1.0.tar.xz
cd warzone2100-3.1.0


The lines below will download and install the in-game videos. The standard quality videos are 545 MiB, the low quality videos 162 MiB.

function dl_vids {
  while [[ $L != de && $L != en ]]; do echo -n "Language [de/en]: " && read L; done
  [[ $L = de ]] && Q=standard
  while [[ $Q != low && $Q != standard && $Q != high ]]; do echo -n "Quality [low/standard/high]: " && read Q; done
  wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/warzone2100/warzone2100/Videos/$Q-quality-$L/sequences.wz

cd ~/prj/warzone
ln -s $(pwd -P)/sequences.wz warzone2100-3.1.0/data

External links