Surplus Feb 25

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Several members will pitch funds into the pool, and portions of the total pool can be allocated to making "maximum acceptable bids" on items we are interested in. At no point will we bid more than the maximum amount deemed acceptable, nor more than is available in the pool.

If we get outbid on an item higher than our maximum acceptable bid, we can re-allocate those funds to another listing's max bid.

Desired Items

Group buy funds per-member

Max acceptable bid for each item

  • Server pile: ???? hard to judge without seeing model numbers
  • Optiplex (2010s) pile: ~$5 per however many boxes there are?
  • Old shit (2000s) pile: $50
  • 2x Precision t3XXX: $30 ($15 per)
  • 2x Precision t5XXX: $40 ($20 per)


The club couldn't get anything -- the rackmount servers went for $700, the decent-pile for $330, an the shit-pile for $875. We are mystified as to that last one.

User:Nate got a couple lots, User:Lyle got some precision 5820s, both for their personal use.

User:Botjoe got two pallets of miscellaneous RF equipment for ~$110.