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VTLUUG:The Docket

184 bytes added, 20:33, 28 November 2024
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The Holy Docket, a.k.a. Shit What Needs To Get Done
last updated <b>11/128/24</b>
* migrate off chimera
* <s>[[24-25_Finances|sort out what we want to buy via budget request]]<s>** get more money buy more things* all our infra is running on old OS versions, which is a pain. e.g. meltdown's version of libvirt/virsh doesn't support live backup creation.
* brainstorm fun services to host on our ample [[Infrastructure]]
** e.g. [ invidious (yt frontend)], [ nitter (twitter frontend)], [[Mirrors|distro package mirrors]], game servers, etc.

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