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34 bytes removed, 19:10, 25 February 2011
# Windows partition (Or whatever you want to call it.)
UUID=EA68C7FE68C7C791 /media/EA68C7FE68C7C791 ntfs rw,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0
(The above entry is case specific, so make sure that everything matches.)
"UUID="(your hard drives UUID) will specify which hard drive. "/media/(UUID)" specifies the mount point, "ntfs" specifies the filesystem. The next line is what is important. If you want to be able to write to this partition when it is mounted, you will need to put "rw". If for some reason you are having trouble writing to this partition you may need to download the package "ntfs-3g", however this is the set-up I have, and it works just fine.
The line "rw,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000" will allow all users to mount, read, and edit the partition. If you don't want this, you can use uid (for users) and gid (for groups) after dmask to determine who will be able to do that. "dump" and "pass" are for use of native filesystems and will be set to "0", hens the "0 0" after "dmask=0000".
Anonymous user

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