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509 bytes added, 02:02, 5 February 2016
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== mr_black giving a remote talk on OpSec ==
With remote appearances by [[user:aam|aam]] and [[user:mjh|mhazinsk]].
With remote appearances by [[user:aam|aam]], [[user:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]] and [[user:mjh|mhazinsk]]. OpSec: Operations Security === Bad OpSec:===
* Cardsystems
** 200,000 credit cards in '''plain text'''
*BNY Mellon**4.2 million social security numbers lost on a tape drive* [[user:timelord|jpo]]** funny red hat** likes maple syrup** doesn't believe in https** likes to be MITM (if you know what I mean) === Good Opsec ===*'''avoid [[user:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]'''** If you know him, you will never have good opsec* Don't give away trade secrets* Don't be jpo* Don't leave Computer unattended near a screwdriver during Cyber Security Summit
Good Opsec:=== Exploiting Bad OpSec ===*'''avoid [[user:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]''' Breaking opsec** hard hat, reflective vest, and clipboard* Penetration testing
Anonymous user

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