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295 bytes added, 16:34, 2 February 2016
updated schedule
* Thursday, 4 February
* 8:30pm - 10:30pm
* 1040 [[gp:Torgersen Hall|Torgersen Hall]] (projected)
== Announcements ==
* F20160127 updated lives available: (.iso & .torrent).
* For shell account, contact [[user:uncurlhalo|uncurlhalo]]
* Installfest? on the weekend of the 13 Feb -- Advertising* Milton is being replaced. #vtluug-infra to discuss
== Discussion ==
[[user:mr-black|mr-black]] giving remote talk on opsec
[[user:telnoratti|telnoratti]] telling about linux news
[[user:echarlie|echarlie]] moderating vote on new-milton name
[[user:echarlie|echarlie]] co-ordinating installfest
== Hacking ==
Anonymous user

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