Moved some stuff to next week (mutantmonkey will be at derbycon), added GDB files
== News & Announcements ==
* Status/updates on [[Office space]]? - [[User:telnoratti|Telnoratti]], [[User:wallmani|wallmani]]
* Dealings Updates on dealing with VP of Student Affairs and/or [[gp:Steve Burrell|Steve Burrell]] ? - [[User:telnoratti|telnoratti]]* New server? - [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
* Status of luug3 issues - [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]], [[User:wallmani|wallmani]]
* CSAW competition this weekend - talk to [[User:dyreshark|dyreshark]] if you're interested
== Discussion / Talks ==
* <strike>AFS - [[User:mjh|Matt]]</strike> - Postponed to next week at the request of officers going to derbycon* GDB / Overflow tutorial- Eric Wimberley** [ Relevant files]** "They need gcc, g++, gdb and build essentials (and glibc 2 or later) if they want to program along."
== Hacking & Projects ==
* [[gp:Ideas for Registered Student Organizations|RSO ideas]] - new goal: one new LUUG-created RSO per month
* Attempting to get