→Editing the VTLUUG Wiki
=Editing the VTLUUG Wiki=
Everyone is invited improve the VTLUUG Wiki through additions and edits. The wiki is powered by [[w:MediaWiki|MediaWiki]], the same code that [[w:Main_Page|Wikipedia]] runs on. For an introduction to editing MediaWiki pages, see [[w:How to edit a page|Wikipedia's editing instructions]]. =Licensing=Please note that all contributions to the VTLUUG Wiki are considered to be released under a [[w:Creative Commons|Creative Commons]][[VTLUUG Wiki:License|Attribution-Share Alike license]]. Do not submit copyrighted work without permission. This includes copying and pasting Knowledgebase articles. Copying from appropriate [[copyleft]] sources such as Wikipedia with proper attribution is acceptable, but consider whether improving the original content and linking there via an interwiki or external link is more appropriate. If you do not want your writing to undergo the merciless collaborative editing of a wiki or be redistributed at will, then do not submit your work to the VTLUUG Wiki.
=Non-Standard Features=