Naming schemes
Naming schemes are used when dealing with a number of objects which need memorable names, e.g. servers. Choosing names that are all related helps ensure the names are not difficult to remember. The process of picking a naming scheme can be a slow and difficult process often delaying work, so below is a list of naming schemes to help make that process easier. Most of these were collected from #vtluug but others may have been added later.
- People at work
- Pokemon
- Norse gods
- Latin words
- Phonetic alphabet
- Circuit components
- Types of shoes
- Radio scientists
- Dumb hashtags (yolo, swag, nsfw)
- Failed memes
- VT football players
- Small disease carrying rodents
- Flavours of milk
- Nicholas cage filmography
- Things that look bad without spaces (pen island)
- Racial slurs
- Cheeses
- Post it note knock off brand names
- Jellies
- Knock off cereals
- Types of pasta
- Body parts
- Knock off brands of shoes
- Knock off brands of gaming systems
- Letters
- Local radio stations
- Mexican radio stations
- Non-corresponding Linux distros
- Shitty Christmas presents
- wallmani's alternate handles
- Lesser known holidays
- Pagan holidays
- NSFW subreddits
- Mental diseases
- Popes
- Soviet leaders
- Religions
- Pony names
- Profanity in foreign languages
- x86 mnemonic opcodes
- "whore" in different languages
- Alternate names for brothel
- Innocuous words that are also stripper names (destiny, candy, unique)
- Words that are euphemisms for child pornography
- Slang for erections
- Condom brands
- Sexual innuendos
- Owners of the rings of power
- Penn state rape puns
- Popular song titles
- Different *sexuals (homosexual, heterosexual, metrosexual)
- Different fetishes
- Types of naming schemes (colours, norsegods)
- Song lyrics
- Bike manufacturers
- Names of weird subcultures
- Different types of video files
- Text editors
- Sith lords
- Fandoms
- Common vim key sequences
- Dragon shouts
- Marijuana strains
- Drugs
- Nucleotide bases
- Take the IP address in quad dot notation and convert every number to the corresponding letter of the alphabet, and replace . with -
- Every machine = 'lo' * last number in IP address
- Chopstick manufacturers
- Bender's catchphrases
- Starship captains
- Last octet of the IP address
- Goa'ulds
- Classes at VT
- Linux kernel maintainers
- Cthulu mythos
- YouTube ids of Rickroll videos
- The nth unique word from a Claude Shannon paper
- Ant pheromones
- Hashes of the 100 most used passwords
- Last names of graduates from a VT department for a certain year
- Names of people listed as graduates from VT on Wikipedia
- Famous comedians
- Different words to describe a bit that is 1 (up, high, on)
- Pixar movies
- Members of VTLUUG
- Buzzwords
- Dr. Who companions
- Cryptography ciphers
- Vulcans
- Comic book fighting sounds
- VT presidents
- VT hall names
- Dubstep sounds
- Names of teen magazines
- Names of tabloids
- Publicly unrouteable IP addresses
- Windows codenames
- Variations on cool story bro
- Windows security vulnerabilities
- Virus names
- US government-sponsored viruses
- Ways to say dying
- Euphemisms for genitalia
- Ways to say pwnd
- Roman battles
- Massacres throughout history
- Nuclear weapons testing codenames
- Failed Russian space missions
- Names of engineering disasters
- Names of people allegedly abducted by aliens
- Castles in Europe
- Names of failing infrastructure in the US
- Assassinated political leaders
- Mob bosses
- James bond love affairs
- Common measurements of alcohol
- Pigs
- Elevator manufacturers (Otis, Dover, ThyssenKrupp, Montgomery, Kone, Southern, Schindler, Westinghouse, Mitsubishi, etc)
- Shark species
- Dinosaur species
- Dictators
- North Korean leaders, military technology, etc
- Evil computers/networks (e.g. WOPR, GlaDOS, Skynet)
- Soviet spacecraft
- Elements
- Planets
- Types of alcohol
- Famous chefs
- Futurama characters
- aam puns (e.g. aamazing, aamberalert)
- Eastern block secret police agencies (e.g. KGB, Stasi, Securitate, etc.)
- Genders invented by tumblr
- Failed US presidential candidates
- Herbs / spices
- Fruits
- US political scandals (watergate, teapotdome, benghazi, trump, ...)
- Farm machinery (tractor, combine, baler, plow, ...)
- Cults (telnoratti has some examples)
- Ousted Trump administration members (bannon, spicer, comey, omarosa, flynn, priebus, price, scaramucci, ...)
- People indicted by Robert Mueller
- Icelandic volcanoes
- Root vegetables
- Obsolete electronics (vcr, teletype, telegraph, answering machine, fax, rotary dial, terminal, dotmatrix, floppy)
- Characters from hacker movies
- Gemstones
- The nonsensical multi-word street names from drab suburban developments in your home town (lindenshade, rustlingoak, sunsetknoll, songsparrow, etc)
- Feeder creeks of the New River (toms, stroubles, slatebranch, peak)
- VTLUUG member callsigns
- COVID variants
- Nonoffensive fictional serial killers (williamafton, sweeneytodd, jasonvoorhees, ...)
- Definitely offensive real serial killers (dylanklebold, ericharris, pattycannon, adamlanza, brentontarrant, ...)