Naming schemes

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Naming schemes are used when dealing with a number of objects which need memorable names, e.g. servers. Choosing names that are all related helps ensure the names are not difficult to remember. The process of picking a naming scheme can be a slow and difficult process often delaying work, so below is a list of naming schemes to help make that process easier. Most of these were collected from #vtluug but others may have been added later.

  1. People at work
  2. Pokemon
  3. LOTR
  4. Norse gods
  5. Latin words
  6. Phonetic alphabet
  7. Circuit components
  8. Types of shoes
  9. Radio scientists
  10. Dumb hashtags (yolo, swag, nsfw)
  11. Failed memes
  12. VT football players
  13. Small disease carrying rodents
  14. Flavours of milk
  15. Nicholas cage filmography
  16. Things that look bad without spaces (pen island)
  17. Racial slurs
  18. Cheeses
  19. Post it note knock off brand names
  20. Jellies
  21. Knock off cereals
  22. Types of pasta
  23. Body parts
  24. Knock off brands of shoes
  25. Knock off brands of gaming systems
  26. Letters
  27. Local radio stations
  28. Mexican radio stations
  29. Non-corresponding Linux distros
  30. Shitty Christmas presents
  31. wallmani's alternate handles
  32. Lesser known holidays
  33. Pagan holidays
  34. NSFW subreddits
  35. Mental diseases
  36. Popes
  37. Soviet leaders
  38. Religions
  39. Pony names
  40. Profanity in foreign languages
  41. x86 mnemonic opcodes
  42. "whore" in different languages
  43. Alternate names for brothel
  44. Innocuous words that are also stripper names (destiny, candy, unique)
  45. Words that are euphemisms for child pornography
  46. Slang for erections
  47. Condom brands
  48. Sexual innuendos
  49. Owners of the rings of power
  50. Penn state rape puns
  51. Popular song titles
  52. Different *sexuals (homosexual, heterosexual, metrosexual)
  53. Different fetishes
  54. Types of naming schemes (colours, norsegods)
  55. Song lyrics
  56. Bike manufacturers
  57. Names of weird subcultures
  58. Different types of video files
  59. Text editors
  60. Sith lords
  61. Fandoms
  62. Common vim key sequences
  63. Dragon shouts
  64. Marijuana strains
  65. Drugs
  66. Nucleotide bases
  67. Take the IP address in quad dot notation and convert every number to the corresponding letter of the alphabet, and replace . with -
  68. Every machine = 'lo' * last number in IP address
  69. Chopstick manufacturers
  70. Bender's catchphrases
  71. Starship captains
  72. Last octet of the IP address
  73. Goa'ulds
  74. Classes at VT
  75. Linux kernel maintainers
  76. Cthulu mythos
  77. YouTube ids of Rickroll videos
  78. The nth unique word from a Claude Shannon paper
  79. Ant pheromones
  80. Hashes of the 100 most used passwords
  81. Last names of graduates from a VT department for a certain year
  82. Names of people listed as graduates from VT on Wikipedia
  83. Famous comedians
  84. Different words to describe a bit that is 1 (up, high, on)
  85. Pixar movies
  86. Members of VTLUUG
  87. Buzzwords
  88. Dr. Who companions
  89. Cryptography ciphers
  90. Vulcans
  91. Comic book fighting sounds
  92. VT presidents
  93. VT hall names
  94. Dubstep sounds
  95. Names of teen magazines
  96. Names of tabloids
  97. Publicly unrouteable IP addresses
  98. Windows codenames
  99. Variations on cool story bro
  100. Windows security vulnerabilities
  101. Virus names
  102. US government-sponsored viruses
  103. Ways to say dying
  104. Euphemisms for genitalia
  105. Ways to say pwnd
  106. Roman battles
  107. Massacres throughout history
  108. Nuclear weapons testing codenames
  109. Failed Russian space missions
  110. Names of engineering disasters
  111. Names of people allegedly abducted by aliens
  112. Castles in Europe
  113. Names of failing infrastructure in the US
  114. Assassinated political leaders
  115. Mob bosses
  116. James bond love affairs
  117. Common measurements of alcohol
  118. Pigs
  119. Elevator manufacturers (Otis, Dover, ThyssenKrupp, Montgomery, Kone, Southern, Schindler, Westinghouse, Mitsubishi, etc)
  120. Shark species
  121. Dinosaur species
  122. Dictators
  123. North Korean leaders, military technology, etc
  124. Evil computers/networks (e.g. WOPR, GlaDOS, Skynet)
  125. Soviet spacecraft
  126. Elements
  127. Planets
  128. Types of alcohol
  129. Famous chefs
  130. Futurama characters
  131. aam puns (e.g. aamazing, aamberalert)
  132. Eastern block secret police agencies (e.g. KGB, Stasi, Securitate, etc.)
  133. Genders invented by tumblr
  134. Failed US presidential candidates
  135. Herbs / spices
  136. Fruits
  137. US political scandals (watergate, teapotdome, benghazi, trump, ...)
  138. Farm machinery (tractor, combine, baler, plow, ...)
  139. Cults (telnoratti has some examples)
  140. Ousted Trump administration members (bannon, spicer, comey, omarosa, flynn, priebus, price, scaramucci, ...)
  141. People indicted by Robert Mueller
  142. Icelandic volcanoes
  143. Root vegetables
  144. Obsolete electronics (vcr, teletype, telegraph, answering machine, fax, rotary dial, terminal, dotmatrix, floppy)
  145. Characters from hacker movies
  146. Gemstones
  147. The nonsensical multi-word street names from drab suburban developments in your home town (lindenshade, rustlingoak, sunsetknoll, songsparrow, etc)
  148. Feeder creeks of the New River (toms, stroubles, slatebranch, peak)
  149. VTLUUG member callsigns
  150. COVID variants