From the Linux and Unix Users Group at Virginia Teck Wiki
Revision as of 12:44, 21 September 2012 by (talk) (Talks people are willing to give)
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This is a list of talks people would like to see and (unscheduled) talks people are willing to put together if they are nagged. Since there's no dedicated VTCSEC wiki, you can also list talks on this page that you'd like to see given there.

Talks people are willing to give

  • telnoratti - Quantum Cryptography
  • telnoratti - Intro to Modern Cryptology
  • telnoratti - Linux and Unix Distro Sampler
  • telnoratti - Grub2
  • Matt - Andrew File System
  • Matt - Parprouted
  • Matt - Port bonding
  • Matt - RFID overview (125 kHz / 13.56 MHz technologies) and vulnerabilities (probably moved to CSEC)
  • Matt - Dtella (once the main node returns)
  • mutantmonkey - IPv6
  • mutantmonkey - Karaoke
  • mutantmonkey - Chef
  • mutantmonkey - LDAP
  • dyreshark - C++11 features
  • Jagged - Software Radios - Introduction to GNU Radio, OSSIE, current SDR trends and capabilities, system architecture
  • Jagged - Digital is Analog - Transients from EM and circuit theory, nyquist rate, causalality
  • Jagged - Digital is Analog II - "Digital" RF, Ethernet, Optics
  • Jagged - RF explained: modulation, antennas, and link budgets
  • Jagged - FCC Part 97 vs. Part 15 operation
  • Jagged - AX.25
  • Jagged - Linux utilities for amateur radio
  • Mr. Black - Browser Architecture
  • Mr. Black - Active Directory
  • Mr. Black - Hadoop and HBase
  • AndreiM - OS X: UNIX tools and advanced power user techniques
  • AndreiM - Intro to Web Development with unix tools
  • AndreiM - Intro to easy VPS management
  • ram - OpenBSD router tutorial (pf, IPsec, IPv6, DNS, DHCP server)
  • ram - IPv6
  • ram - Some basic IPC stuff (having fun(?) with unix domain sockets, pipes, etc)
  • ram - Vim (beginner or intermediate)
  • coeus - LaTeX Intro

Talks people would like to see

  • Short presentation of how members use Linux/UNIX in their daily routines, thus making people hear about various tools they didn't know existed/haven't seen used.
  • Samba
  • NFS (including NFS4)
  • NIS
  • Kerberos
  • FDE (both boot disk and external drives)
  • Mutantmonkey's security practices
  • Failover tools for Linux (e.g. CARP)
  • Simple high availability/clustered services in RHEL/CentOS and/or Debian
  • DNS (theory, caching/recursive, brief tutorial on how to make your own on Linux/BSD, DNSSEC)
  • Mail
  • C11 features
  • GSM protocol, how to MITM - potential Cyber Security Club topic
  • MIFARE and iCLASS attacks - potential Cyber Security Club topic
  • Expert level Vim
  • Emacs
  • Timecube
  • X.Org and Wayland
  • DragonFly BSD
  • Sys V Init
  • Systemd


  • PF / IPTables
  • Hardware Crypto
  • Metasploit "advanced" CLI
  • Physical security - Matt
  • IPv6
  • Malware analysis
  • Key signing
  • Botnets
  • Software radio
  • Buffer overflows, etc
  • Social engineering
  • Using CSS to hack Gmail
  • TPMs - dyreshark
  • Forensics