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(Talks people are willing to give)
(Beginner Content)
(87 intermediate revisions by 20 users not shown)
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This is a list of talks people would like to see and (unscheduled) talks people are willing to put together if they are nagged. Since there's no dedicated [[gp:Cyber Security Club|VTCSEC]] wiki, you can also list talks on this page that you'd like to see given there.
This is a list of talks people would like to see and (unscheduled) talks people are willing to put together if they are nagged. Since there's no dedicated [[gp:Cyber Security Club|VTCSEC]] wiki, you can also list talks on this page that you'd like to see given there.
== Talk Ideas ==
=== Beginner Content ===
* "Passing classes with only free software: replacing proprietary tools in your workflow"
* Introduction to Command-Line-Fu
* Basics of Bash scripting
* Intro to tmux
=== System administration and use ===
* "1 PID1 to rule them all: Init systems for the modern world"
** SysV Init
** Runit
** Finit
** OpenRC
** Systemd
** Others...
* or use systemd
* X.Org and Wayland
* Expert level Vim
* Emacs
* [[w:DragonFly BSD| DragonFly BSD]]
* Intro to OpenBSD, or "How to become [[user:via|via]]"
* Taskwarrior demo
* Plan 9 introduction
=== Servers and Computing ===
* Samba
* NFS (including NFS4)
* Failover tools for Linux (e.g. CARP) and simple high availability/clustered services in RHEL/CentOS and/or Debian
* DNS (theory, caching/recursive, brief tutorial on how to make your own on Linux/BSD, DNSSEC)
* Mail
* "Mainframes on wheels: New directions in mobile computing"
* "IP man: Networking protocols of today and tomorrow"
=== Programming languages ===
* Dyretalks (dyreshark's talks on programming languages)
* Survey of archaic programming languages
* "Writing useful code in useless languages: An introduction to esoteric and obfuscated code"
* The evolution and justification of coding styles
* C14 features
* LaTeX
* "Lambda Calculus for Babies. Retarded Babies."
** [[User:ackthet|ackthet]]'s 10-part Xmonad talk starting from the basics of haskell
=== Miscellaneous ===
* Short presentation of how members use Linux/UNIX in their daily routines, thus making people hear about various tools they didn't know existed/haven't seen used. - nitin
* [http://www.timecube.com Timecube]
* [[Openstreetmap]] - [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
* Multiboot on a RaspberryPi
* Firetalks day
* Ram should give a talk on mix networks
* Hacking Games for Fun and Profit
== Scheduled Talks==
This is a planning space for talks that people have agreed to give (or gave) in various semesters. Nag them if you want a copy of their slides.
===Spring 2014===
* telnoratti - Quantum Crypto
* telnoratti - Cults 102: Advanced Culting Techniques
* mhazinsk - Mail - Postfix/Dovecot, etc
* mhazinsk - Reversing EAS boxes (possibly at CSEC instead)
* nitin - Eliptic Curve Cryptography, Group Theory
* nitin - Intro to commandline stuff
* jkh - SSL, LDAP/Kerberos
* dyreshark - LLVM
* wallmani - ?
* sloafe - March 20th - window managers?
* [[User:dyreshark | dyreshark]] - April 3rd - Runtimes ([https://vtluug.org/files/2014/VTLUUG_Runtime_Presentation.pdf slides], [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-N8Xwu2yts video])
===Fall 2013===
* telnoratti - ZFS - September 5th
* mhazinsk - "About VTLUUG" for new members - September 5th
* guzzles - Cable lacing - September 12th
* officers - Overview of VTLUUG services (for new members) - September 12th
* dyreshark - Go (programming language) [and maybe some optimizations too] - September 19th
* uncurlhalo - Linux From Scratch - September 26th
* mr-black - "How mr-black develops software" - workflow talk/discussion - October 17th
* mhazinsk - Ansible
* Jagged - Software-defined Radio (with HackRF, USRP)
* aam - Set up a solid Email Server with Dovecot, Postfix, Amavisd, Spamassassin, Clamav and Sieve (moved to Spring)
* telnoratti - Xen Cloud Platform (moved to Spring)
* telnoratti - Puppet (moved to Spring)
===Spring 2013===
* telnoratti - Cults 101: Starting your first cult for fun and profit
* telnoratti - LXC
=== Fall 2010 ===
* Ioannis Kokkinidis - Open GIS [http://vtluug.org/files/2010/OSFGIS.pdf Presentation slides (PDF format)] [http://vtluug.org/files/2010/OSFGIS.pptx Presentation slides (PPTX format)]
== Talks people are willing to give ==
== Talks people are willing to give ==
* [[User:telnoratti | telnoratti]] - Quantum Cryptography
* [[User:telnoratti | telnoratti]] - Intro to Modern Cryptology
Note: most of these members do attend meetings regularly, and many don't even live in Blacksburg. Some ([[user:mr-black|Mr. Black]]), are willing to give remote talks through jitsi meet or google chat.
===for VTLUUG===
* [[User:telnoratti | telnoratti]] - Linux and Unix Distro Sampler
* [[User:telnoratti | telnoratti]] - Linux and Unix Distro Sampler
* [[User:telnoratti | telnoratti]] - Grub2
* [[User:telnoratti | telnoratti]] - Grub2
* [[User:matthazinski | Matt]] - Andrew File System
* [[User:telnoratti | telnoratti]] - ZFS
* [[User:matthazinski | Matt]] - Parprouted
* [[User:telnoratti | telnoratti]] - XCP
* [[User:matthazinski | Matt]] - Port bonding
* [[User:telnoratti | telnoratti]] - Puppet
* [[User:matthazinski | Matt]] - RFID overview (125 kHz / 13.56 MHz technologies) and vulnerabilities (probably moved to CSEC)
* [[User:uncurlhalo | uncurlhalo]] - Linux From Scratch
* [[User:matthazinski | Matt]] - Dtella (once the main node returns)
* [[User:guzzles | guzzles]] - Condensation
* [[User:mutantmonkey | mutantmonkey]] - IPv6
* [[User:Egdeltur|Egdeltur]], [[User:mjh|Matt]] - Arduino/smartphone interfacing
* [[User:mutantmonkey | mutantmonkey]] - Karaoke
* [[User:mutantmonkey | mutantmonkey]] - Chef
* [[User:mutantmonkey | mutantmonkey]] - LDAP
* [[User:dyreshark | dyreshark]] - C++11 features
* [[User:Jagged | Jagged]] - Software Radios - Introduction to GNU Radio, OSSIE, current SDR trends and capabilities, system architecture
* [[User:Jagged | Jagged]] - Digital is Analog - Transients from EM and circuit theory, nyquist rate, causalality
* [[User:Jagged | Jagged]] - Digital is Analog II - "Digital" RF, Ethernet, Optics
* [[User:Jagged | Jagged]] - RF explained: modulation, antennas, and link budgets
* [[User:Jagged | Jagged]] - FCC Part 97 vs. Part 15 operation
* [[User:Jagged | Jagged]] - AX.25
* [[User:Jagged | Jagged]] - Linux utilities for amateur radio
* [[User:mr-black | Mr. Black]] - Browser Architecture
* [[User:mr-black | Mr. Black]] - Browser Architecture
* [[User:mr-black | Mr. Black]] - Active Directory
* [[User:mr-black | Mr. Black]] - Active Directory
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* [[User:andreim | AndreiM]] - Intro to Web Development with unix tools
* [[User:andreim | AndreiM]] - Intro to Web Development with unix tools
* [[User:andreim | AndreiM]] - Intro to easy VPS management
* [[User:andreim | AndreiM]] - Intro to easy VPS management
* [[User:ram | ram]] - OpenBSD router tutorial (pf, IPsec, IPv6, DNS, DHCP server)
* [[User:ram | ram]] - OpenBSD router tutorial (pf, IPsec, IPv6, DNS, DHCP server) *
* [[User:ram | ram]] - IPv6
* [[User:ram | ram]] - IPv6
* [[User:ram | ram]] - Some basic IPC stuff (having fun(?) with unix domain sockets, pipes, etc)
* [[User:ram | ram]] - Some basic IPC stuff (having fun(?) with unix domain sockets, pipes, etc)
* [[User:ram | ram]] - Vim (beginner or intermediate)
* [[User:ram | ram]] - Vim (beginner or intermediate)
* [[User:Obxhokie | coeus]] - LaTeX Intro
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - Almost anything related to [http://www.openbsd.org OpenBSD]
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - Comparative kernel architectures
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - The run-time link-editor (aka {ld.so, ld-linux.so, rtld})
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - High-performance computing (w/ focus on [http://www.arc.vt.edu/ ARC]?)
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - Parallel computing
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPGPU GPGPU computing]
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - HPC resources available to students at Virginia Tech
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - Game hacking on OS X (strategies, tools, and lessons learned)
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - launchd
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - Digital LEGOs with [http://ldraw.org/ LDraw]
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - Introduction to raytracing with [http://povray.org/ POV-Ray]
* [[User:Angelicstrike | angelicstrike]] - Haskell
* [[User:Angelicstrike | angelicstrike]] - Programming TCP/IP Sockets
===for [[gp:Cyber Security Club|VTCSEC]]===
* [[User:ubervert | ubervert]] - Full disk encryption.
* [[User:telnoratti | telnoratti]] - Quantum Cryptography
* [[User:telnoratti | telnoratti]] - Intro to Modern Cryptology
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - Reverse engineering
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - PGP (GnuPG)
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - Return-oriented programming
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - Binary patching at runtime, and anti-debugging evasion techniques
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - Exploit mitigation techniques (ASLR, W^X, etc.)
* [[User:Timelord | Timelord]] - [https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/security/capsicum/ Capsicum]: practical capabilities for UNIX
== Old talks ==
These are things from the old '''VTLUUG:Roadmap''' page, and may get added if there is sufficient interest. Most of these were added a couple years ago, so their status is unknown
* Real-time talk in March
* [[Android]] talk
* [[PIM]] talk
* [[OpenStreetMap]] talk
** Educational portion
** Showoff portion
*** osm3d
*** [http://terpnav.cs.umd.edu/map/ TerpNav]
* Others ([http://www.alwaysinnovating.com/home/index.htm Always Innovating], [[gp:Randy Marchany|Randy Marchany]], [[gp:John Harris|John Harris]], [[gp:Godmar Back|Godmar Back]], [[gp:Ico Bukvic|Ico Bukvic]]?)
== Other meeting ideas ==
* Slideshare roulette
* Key exchange parties
* Android rooting event (combined with or separate from installfest)
* [[VTLUUG:Karaoke night|Karaoke night]]
== Round tables ==
* (CS, ECE software side - Hacking open source projects for grades)
* ECE hardware side - Free Software for digital and analog circuits
** Using QUCS in class
** Free Software schematic capture, simulation, routing and layout software for the [[Open Electronics Lab]] - Fedora electronics remix
* CoE - Chat with Dean Scales, faculty technology committee about the [[computer requirement]]
* Engineering education
* OCS - i.e. improving assignment notification
== Talks people would like to see ==
* Short presentation of how members use Linux/UNIX in their daily routines, thus making people hear about various tools they didn't know existed/haven't seen used.
* Samba
* NFS (including NFS4)
* Kerberos
* FDE (both boot disk and external drives)
* '''Mutantmonkey's security practices'''
* Failover tools for Linux (e.g. CARP)
* Simple high availability/clustered services in RHEL/CentOS and/or Debian
* DNS (theory, caching/recursive, brief tutorial on how to make your own on Linux/BSD, DNSSEC)
* Mail
* C11 features
* GSM protocol, how to MITM - potential [[gp:Cyber Security Club|Cyber Security Club]] topic
* MIFARE and iCLASS attacks - potential [[gp:Cyber Security Club|Cyber Security Club]] topic
* Expert level Vim
* Emacs
* [http://www.timecube.com Timecube]
* X.Org and Wayland
* [[w:DragonFly BSD| DragonFly BSD]]
* Sys V Init
* Systemd
== VTCSEC ==
* PF / IPTables
* Hardware Crypto
* Metasploit "advanced" CLI
* Physical security - [[User:mjh|Matt]]
* IPv6
* Malware analysis
* Key signing
* Botnets
* Software radio
* Buffer overflows, etc
* Social engineering
* Using CSS to hack Gmail
* TPMs - [[User:dyreshark| dyreshark]]
* Forensics

Latest revision as of 01:58, 6 September 2018

This is a list of talks people would like to see and (unscheduled) talks people are willing to put together if they are nagged. Since there's no dedicated VTCSEC wiki, you can also list talks on this page that you'd like to see given there.

Talk Ideas

Beginner Content

  • "Passing classes with only free software: replacing proprietary tools in your workflow"
  • Introduction to Command-Line-Fu
  • Basics of Bash scripting
  • Intro to tmux

System administration and use

  • "1 PID1 to rule them all: Init systems for the modern world"
    • SysV Init
    • Runit
    • Finit
    • OpenRC
    • Systemd
    • Others...
  • or use systemd
  • X.Org and Wayland
  • Expert level Vim
  • Emacs
  • DragonFly BSD
  • Intro to OpenBSD, or "How to become via"
  • Taskwarrior demo
  • Plan 9 introduction

Servers and Computing

  • Samba
  • NFS (including NFS4)
  • Failover tools for Linux (e.g. CARP) and simple high availability/clustered services in RHEL/CentOS and/or Debian
  • DNS (theory, caching/recursive, brief tutorial on how to make your own on Linux/BSD, DNSSEC)
  • Mail
  • "Mainframes on wheels: New directions in mobile computing"
  • "IP man: Networking protocols of today and tomorrow"

Programming languages

  • Dyretalks (dyreshark's talks on programming languages)
  • Survey of archaic programming languages
  • "Writing useful code in useless languages: An introduction to esoteric and obfuscated code"
  • The evolution and justification of coding styles
  • C14 features
  • LaTeX
  • "Lambda Calculus for Babies. Retarded Babies."
    • ackthet's 10-part Xmonad talk starting from the basics of haskell


  • Short presentation of how members use Linux/UNIX in their daily routines, thus making people hear about various tools they didn't know existed/haven't seen used. - nitin
  • Timecube
  • Openstreetmap - mutantmonkey
  • Multiboot on a RaspberryPi
  • Firetalks day
  • Ram should give a talk on mix networks
  • Hacking Games for Fun and Profit

Scheduled Talks

This is a planning space for talks that people have agreed to give (or gave) in various semesters. Nag them if you want a copy of their slides.

Spring 2014

  • telnoratti - Quantum Crypto
  • telnoratti - Cults 102: Advanced Culting Techniques
  • mhazinsk - Mail - Postfix/Dovecot, etc
  • mhazinsk - Reversing EAS boxes (possibly at CSEC instead)
  • nitin - Eliptic Curve Cryptography, Group Theory
  • nitin - Intro to commandline stuff
  • jkh - SSL, LDAP/Kerberos
  • dyreshark - LLVM
  • wallmani - ?
  • sloafe - March 20th - window managers?
  • dyreshark - April 3rd - Runtimes (slides, video)

Fall 2013

  • telnoratti - ZFS - September 5th
  • mhazinsk - "About VTLUUG" for new members - September 5th
  • guzzles - Cable lacing - September 12th
  • officers - Overview of VTLUUG services (for new members) - September 12th
  • dyreshark - Go (programming language) [and maybe some optimizations too] - September 19th
  • uncurlhalo - Linux From Scratch - September 26th
  • mr-black - "How mr-black develops software" - workflow talk/discussion - October 17th
  • mhazinsk - Ansible
  • Jagged - Software-defined Radio (with HackRF, USRP)
  • aam - Set up a solid Email Server with Dovecot, Postfix, Amavisd, Spamassassin, Clamav and Sieve (moved to Spring)
  • telnoratti - Xen Cloud Platform (moved to Spring)
  • telnoratti - Puppet (moved to Spring)

Spring 2013

  • telnoratti - Cults 101: Starting your first cult for fun and profit
  • telnoratti - LXC

Fall 2010

Talks people are willing to give

Note: most of these members do attend meetings regularly, and many don't even live in Blacksburg. Some (Mr. Black), are willing to give remote talks through jitsi meet or google chat.



Old talks

These are things from the old VTLUUG:Roadmap page, and may get added if there is sufficient interest. Most of these were added a couple years ago, so their status is unknown

Other meeting ideas

  • Slideshare roulette
  • Key exchange parties
  • Android rooting event (combined with or separate from installfest)
  • Karaoke night

Round tables

  • (CS, ECE software side - Hacking open source projects for grades)
  • ECE hardware side - Free Software for digital and analog circuits
    • Using QUCS in class
    • Free Software schematic capture, simulation, routing and layout software for the Open Electronics Lab - Fedora electronics remix
  • CoE - Chat with Dean Scales, faculty technology committee about the computer requirement
  • Engineering education
  • OCS - i.e. improving assignment notification