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cadaver is a FTP-like command-line client for connecting to WebDAV shares. To connect to a share, simply specify the URL as an argument to the cadaver command:

cadaver {{{shareurl}}}

You will be asked for your username and password. After connecting, you can issue standard FTP commands like ls, get, put, and delete. To disconnect, type exit.


davfs2 is a file system driver that allows WebDAV shares to be mounted and treated as if they were local files. After installing davfs2 through your distribution's package manager, it is simple to mount a share to a directory. First, the directory must be created:

sudo mkdir /media/webdav

Now mount the directory:

sudo mount -t davfs {{{shareurl}}} /media/webdav

You will be asked for your username and password and the share will be mounted.


Note: Some users have experienced problems with the WebDAV support in GVFS; caution should be exercised when making use of this feature.

GVFS provides support for WebDAV and connections can be made using Nautilus and other applications that use GVFS.

  • Open Nautilus and select Connect to Server in the File menu.
  • For the service type, select Secure WebDAV (HTTPS)
  • For the server, enter {{{shareserver}}}
  • For the path, enter {{{sharepath}}}
  • Enter your username and optionally select Add bookmark if you plan on connecting to this share again
  • Select Connect

See Also
