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'''PEAP-MSCHAPv2''' is a wireless authentication scheme used by Virginia Tech as an alternative to [[EAP-TLS]] for connections to [[VT-Wireless]].
On campus, there are 2 wireless networks:
* '''eduroam''': uses federated credentials and is the preferred method.
* '''VirginiaTech''': for guests and devices that cannot use the authentication method of '''eduroam'''.
Any remotely modern/complete Linux or Unix system will be able to connect to eduroam without any issues.
==Connection information==
Because '''eduroam''''s credentials are federated, it means that a VT user is able to automatically connect to the Internet at participating institutions. The eduroam-US site provides a [https://www.eduroam.us/technical_overview technical overview] of the authentication system.
==General Connection Information==
The following settings are recommended for connecting to the Eduroam network:
The following settings are recommended for connecting to the eduroam network:
* '''SSID:''' eduroam
* '''EAP:''' PEAP
* '''Phase 2:''' MSCHAPv2
* '''Root CA:''' "USERTrust RSA Certification Authority" or pin the certificate (see below)
* '''Server Name:''' eduroam.nis.vt.edu
* '''Identity:''' pid@vt.edu (So if your PID was "hokiebird", hokiebird@vt.edu)
* '''Anonymous Identity:''' anonymous@vt.edu
* '''Password:''' [https://www.computing.vt.edu/kb/entry/3765 Your Network Password]
''Regardless of what software you use to establish your connection, you must first set your remote (network) passphrase by going to [https://my.vt.edu my.vt.edu]→Settings→Change Network Password.''
===Obtaining the Certificate Chain===
The certificate presented by the RADIUS server is chained as such:
* USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
** InCommon RSA Server CA
*** eduroam.nis.vt.edu
Below is where to obtain each of these, along with some metadata. The filenames are arbitrary, but will be used for the rest of this article. For every certificate (''especially'' the root, the signature chain helps with the rest), consider where you are obtaining it from and how much trust that you are getting what you think you are. You will probably want the PEM formatted certificate, if you have the option.
====USERTrust RSA Certification Authority====
''Filename:'' USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem
''Subject:'' C = US, ST = New Jersey, L = Jersey City, O = The USERTRUST Network, CN = USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
This is a common root CA and should have shipped with your OS. It is likely located in <code>/etc/ssl/certs/USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem</code>. Note that if you follow the Authority Information Access of the intermediate certificate, it may direct you to a URL which points to a different version of this certficate, which is cross signed by AddTrust and expired in May 2020. The one in your cert store is self-signed and expires in 2038. You want the one from your cert store.
====InCommon RSA Server CA====
''Filename:'' InCommonRSAServerCA_2.pem
''Subject:'' C = US, ST = MI, L = Ann Arbor, O = Internet2, OU = InCommon, CN = InCommon RSA Server CA
This is an intermediate certificate issued to InCommon. You can get it directly from InCommon [http://crt.usertrust.com/InCommonRSAServerCA_2.crt here].
''Filename:'' eduroam.nis.vt.edu.pem
''Subject:'' C = US, postalCode = 24061, ST = Virginia, L = Blacksburg, street = 800 Washington St. SW, O = Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, OU = Secure Identity Services, CN = eduroam.nis.vt.edu
This can be obtained from the [https://certs.it.vt.edu/search VT Certificate Manager]. This requires PID login. Search for "eduroam.nis.vt.edu". Grab the certificate most recently issued.
===Validating the certificate===
<li> Obtain ''all'' certificates in the chain ''in PEM format'' </li>
<li> Concatenate the non-leaf certificates in to a single file: </li>
<pre>$ cat USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem InCommonRSAServerCA_2.pem > ca.pem</pre>
<li> Verify the certificates are signed correctly </li>
<pre>$ openssl verify -verbose -purpose sslserver -CAfile ca.pem eduroam.nis.vt.edu.pem
eduroam.nis.vt.edu.pem: OK</pre>
<li> For at least the root and leaf certificates, verify the subject (compare to above) </li>
<pre>$ openssl x509 -in file_of_cert_you_want_to_check -noout -subject</pre>
===Certificate Pinning===
Due to vulnerabilities in the MSCHAPv2 protocol that allow the protocol to be cracked quickly with a 100% success rate<ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20160316174007/https://www.cloudcracker.com/blog/2012/07/29/cracking-ms-chap-v2/]</ref>, it is ''absolutely critical'' that the RADIUS server certificate be validated properly before attempting authentication. Where possible, we opt for the highest level of verification of the certificate: manually pinning the hash of the certificate we expect to be presented.  The canonical form of the hash used by many network managers is the SHA256 hash of the DER encoding of the certificate.
Validate the certificate (see above) then generate the sha256 hash:
$ openssl x509 -in eduroam.nis.vt.edu.crt -outform der | sha256sum
9b5163a3360f07b2dce2fd1e958c541687cf4c5360bb8adc87fa821c1c969910  -
It is recommended that you perform these steps yourself rather than trusting the certificate hash presented in the configurations below.
'''Note:''' As we are pinning the certificate instead of relying on a PKI, when NI&S rotates the certificates being used (at least every year), the configuration will need to be updated to match the new certificate.
* SSID: eduroam
===Getting your network password hash===
MSCHAPv2 verifies the NT4 hash of your password, not the password itself. This means knowing the hash of the password is sufficient to connect to authenticate. Depending on the client, you may be able to store the hash in your config instead of the password. To reiterate, '''this hash is just as sensitive as your password'''. The hash is less human memorable, though, and does act as a deterrent to shoulder-surfing.
* Phase 2: MSCHAPv2
* Identity: pid@vt.edu (So if your PID was "hokiebird", hokiebird@vt.edu)
* Anonymous Identity: anonymous@vt.edu
* Password: [https://www.computing.vt.edu/kb/entry/3765 Your Network Password]
====RADIUS certificates====
To derive the password hash, you can:
The certificate verification methods vary greatly between different network managers, but the certificate currently in use for the Virginia Tech RADIUS servers is available from the [https://ash.eprov.seti.vt.edu/EJBCAWebRequest/certSearch?cmd=search&keyword=VT-Wireless PKI Certificate Search site] and the certificate chain is the (Obsolete) [https://secure.hosting.vt.edu/www.pki.vt.edu/developer/rootca.html#globalserver Virginia Tech Global Server CA] chain.
  | iconv -f ASCII -t UTF-16LE \
  | openssl dgst -md4 \
  | cut -d ' ' -f 2
==A word of caution on MSCHAPv2==
If you are using OpenSSL 3, you will need to specify the legacy provider:
Warning: Use of PEAP-MSCHAPv2 to connect to the Virginia Tech network is strongly discouraged by the Linux and Unix Users Group due to attacks that can allow all traffic to be decrypted with a 100% success rate. Unfortunately, VT has deprecated its use so users will soon lose the choice to use certificates.
  | openssl dgst -md4 -provider legacy \
At DefCon 20 in July 2012, an attack was announced for MSCHAPv2 that allows the protocol to be cracked quickly with a 100% success rate.<ref>[https://www.cloudcracker.com/blog/2012/07/29/cracking-ms-chap-v2/]</ref> '''Use of MSCHAPv2 is strongly discouraged.'''
===A Word of Caution===
Although you can verify connection to the Virginia Tech RADIUS servers you must keep in mind that you are connecting to a network that you do not control. It is possible that there are network monitors in place which can record and potentially modify traffic.
We encourage you to take precautions against network eavesdropping and mischief (on the eduroam network, and in general). Potential countermeasures that one might want to employ include using [https://www.eff.org/HTTPS-EVERYWHERE HTTPS when connecting to sites], using a [https://www.computing.vt.edu/content/virtual-private-network VPN], or using the [https://www.torproject.org/ Tor Browser Bundle].
==Set your remote access (network) passphrase==
For general tips on improving your security while using the network, consider reading the EFF's [https://ssd.eff.org/ Surveillance Self-Defense] tips, reading [https://www.hokieprivacy.org/ Hokie Privacy], and/or contacting the [https://security.vt.edu/ Virginia Tech Information Security Office].
Regardless of what software you use to establish your connection, you must first set your remote passphrase by going to [https://my.vt.edu my.vt.edu]→Settings→Change Network Password.
==NetworkManager Instructions==
===eduroam (preferred)===
=== VT-Wireless (legacy)===
{{Version|2.2 (Froyo) of Android}}
* From the home screen, press the menu button and choose "Settings"→"Wireless & networks"→"Wi-Fi settings".
In the list of wireless networks, select "eduroam". Set the following options:
* Remove any existing entries for {{{networks|the network you'd like to add or any conflicting network}}}.
* From the "WiFi networks" listing, click on {{{network|the network you'd like to add}}}.
* Choose PEAP as the EAP method and MSCHAPv2 as the phase two authentication mechanism.
* Enter your credentials for the identity and press "Connect".
* Wi-Fi security: WPA & WPA2 Enterprise
===eduroam (preferred)===
* Authentication: Protected EAP (PEAP)
* In your wireless configuration program, select eduroam.
* Anonymous identity: anonymous@vt.edu
* Choose PEAP as the EAP type.
* Domain: nis.vt.edu
* Choose MSCHAPv2 as the authentication method.
* CA certificate: Select <code>/path/to/USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem</code> via the file picker
* Use PID@vt.edu and network passphrase as your login credentials.
* PEAP version: Automatic
* Use anonymous@vt.edu as your Anonymous Identity
* Inner authentication: MSCHAPv2
* '''TODO:''' Certificate verification
* Username: PID@vt.edu
===VT-Wireless (legacy)===
[[File:Nm settings.png]]
* In your wireless configuration program, select VT-Wireless.
* Choose PEAP as the EAP type.
* Choose MSCHAPv2 as the authentication method.
* Use your {{{identity|PID}}} and network passphrase as your login credentials.
==wpa_supplicant Instructions==
===For eduroam (preferred)===
[http://w1.fi/wpa_supplicant/ wpa_supplicant] is a cross-platform supplicant which implements IEEE 802.1x/WPA and is used in many Linux/UNIX distributions.
[http://w1.fi/wpa_supplicant/ wpa_supplicant] is a cross-platform supplicant which implements IEEE 802.1x/WPA and is used in many Linux/UNIX distributions.
In order to connect to the eduroam network, add the following to /etc/wpa_supplicant/eduroam.conf modifying the identity and password to reflect your PID and Network Password:
In order to connect to the eduroam network, add the following to <code>/etc/wpa_supplicant/eduroam.conf</code> modifying the identity and password to reflect your PID and Network Password:
  ctrl_interface=DIR=/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wheel
  ctrl_interface=DIR=/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wheel
Line 70: Line 138:
    # if you prefer to pin the certificate, follow the instructions above to generate a hash
    # if you prefer to dynamically validate the certificate by its cryptographic attributes
Line 81: Line 152:
  $ sudo dhcpcd wlan0
  $ sudo dhcpcd wlan0
===For VT-Wireless (legacy)===
Alternate config options, besides domain_match are as follows (obviously not correct):
Add the following lines to /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf:
  ctrl_interface=DIR=/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wheel
  subject_match="/C=US/ST=CA/L=San Francisco/CN=Test AS/emailAddress=as@example.com"
identity="your {{{identity|PID}}}"
password="your passphrase"
==Certificate pinning==
===For eduroam===
In the above wpa_supplicant configuration, we pin the server certificate that we expect the RADIUS server to present. wpa_supplicant offers multiple mechanisms for certificate management. The ca\_cert parameter can point to a file which contains one or more CA certificates which will be used to validate the certificate. With that option you also have the ability to specify a substring match of the certificate's common name.
In our configuration we opted for a much stronger level of validation where in we specify the hash of the certificate that we expect to see. When using this method of certificate validation, you specify the ca_cert parameter as hash://server/sha256/<sha256 hash of DER encoded certificate>.
More thorough documentation is available at [https://w1.fi/cgit/hostap/plain/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf]
In order to generate the sha256 hash of the DER encoded certificate (so that you can validate that the above hash is correct), download the certificate by clicking the "Download" link on the [https://ash.eprov.seti.vt.edu/EJBCAWebRequest/certSearch?cmd=search&keyword=VT-Wireless Certifcate Search for VT-Wireless]
===OpenBSD Instructions===
Since the [[OpenBSD]] network stack doesn't support 802.1x authentication, wpa_supplicant is needed to connect. wpa_supplicant on OpenBSD is different from its Linux counterpart in that it is only capable of 802.1x authentication and nothing more. First, install wpa_supplicant from ports if it is not already installed. After that, add just the <code>network={ .. }</code> portion of the above configuration to <code>/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf</code>. The wpa_supplicant service can be enabled with (where iwm0 is your wireless interface):
Validate that the certificate downloaded is in fact signed by the Virginia Tech Certificate Authority:
$ rcctl enable wpa_supplicant
$ rcctl set wpa_supplicant flags -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -s -D openbsd -i iwm0
$ rcctl start wpa_supplicant
Finally, connect to the network with (again, replacing iwm0 with your wireless interface):
Then generate the sha256 hash (in the directory where the certificate downloaded to):
  openssl x509 -in VT-Wireless.cns.vt.edu.crt -outform der | sha256sum
  $ ifconfig iwm0 join eduroam wpa wpaakms 802.1x up
  216c5f2568c6e84860b12535efe93500623ccee999306b84260f951bcbd57b1a -
  $ dhclient iwm0
  $ ifconfig iwm0 inet6 autoconf
==netctl Instructions==
[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/netctl netctl] is a network manager which is native to the ArchLinux distribution. netctl makes use of wpa_supplicant under the hood, and so the configuration is similar.
[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/netctl netctl] is a network manager which is native to the ArchLinux distribution. netctl makes use of wpa_supplicant under the hood, and so the configuration is similar.
===eduroam (preferred)===
Put the following configuration in <code>/etc/netctl/eduroam</code> with your proper PID and Network Password. Further, this assumes that your wireless network device is wlan0, which you might have to change to match your system. The ca_cert line pins the server certificate and can be generated/validated using the mechanism described above.
Put the following configuration in /etc/netctl/eduroam with your proper PID and Network Password. Further, this assumes that your wireless network device is wlan0, which you might have to change to match your system. The ca_cert line pins the server certificate and can be generated/validated using the mechanism described above.
  Description='Federated Educational Wifi Network'
  Description='Federated Educational Wifi Network'
Line 138: Line 193:
The ConfigSection (as per the netctl.profile manpage) is just what you would put in a wpa_supplicant config. Again, note that the domain_match is ''less secure'' than ca_cert, but better than not checking at all.
Ensure that this file is owned by root and only readable by root:
Ensure that this file is owned by root and only readable by root:
Line 152: Line 209:
  $ sudo netctl start eduroam
  $ sudo netctl start eduroam
===For VT-Wireless (legacy)===
== connman Instructions ==
Tested on [[Arch Linux]] with netctl 0.8 (updated on 2013-04-12).
This config should be useable with connman. Replace Passphrase and Identity with your Network password and PID@vt.edu, respectively.
Name = eduroam
Description = Optionally put something descriptive here.
Type = wifi
Name = eduroam
EAP = peap
CACertFile = /etc/ssl/certs/USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem
DomainMatch = eduroam.nis.vt.edu
AnonymousIdentity = anonymous@vt.edu
Phase2 = MSCHAPV2
Identity = PID@vt.edu
==iwd Instructions==
This is a sample configuration, usually located at something like <code>/var/lib/iwd/eduroam.8021x</code>. For details, read <code>iwd.network(5)</code>.
EAP-Method = PEAP
EAP-Identity = anonymous@vt.edu
EAP-PEAP-CACert = embed:USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority
EAP-PEAP-ServerDomainMask = eduroam.nis.vt.edu
EAP-PEAP-Phase2-Method = MSCHAPV2
EAP-PEAP-Phase2-Identity = PID@vt.edu
EAP-PEAP-Phase2-Password-Hash = 8846f7eaee8fb117ad06bdd830b7586c
==Android Instructions==
[[File:AndroidEduroamNoCert.png|170px|thumb|Sample Android configuration of eduroam, but crucially lacking certificate validation.]]
A sample configuration is available to the right, but as this configuration is currently lacking CA certificate validation, we do not at this time recommend connecting to the network.
The Identity needs to be modified to match your PID@vt.edu, and your Network Password needs to be entered in the Password field.
* Create a file, '''/etc/netctl/VT-Wireless''' and place this in it:
Description="VT-Wireless PEAP-MSCHAPv2"
* Navigate to the list of Wi-Fi networks.
* "Forget" any existing entries for eduroam.
* From the "WiFi networks" listing, click on eduroam.
* Choose PEAP as the EAP method and MSCHAPv2 as the phase two authentication mechanism.
* For the CA certificate, select "Use system certificates". Optionally, import the root CA from above, and select that instead for better security.
* For the domain, enter ```eduroam.nis.vt.edu```
* Enter your pid@vt.edu for the identity
* Enter "anonymous@vt.edu" for the anonymous identity
* Enter your Network Password for the password
* Press "Connect".
NOTE: Older versions of Android do not allow not verifying the server certificate. Setting both the root CA and the domain are essential for protecting your credentials. Although older versions will get you connected, use at your own risk.
    'identity="YOUR IDENTITY"'
    'password="NETWORK PASSWORD"
Make sure to change '''IDENTITY''' to your {{{identity|PID}}}, and '''NETWORK PASSWORD''' to your network password.
==Frequently Asked Questions==
===Is eduroam free?===
eduroam at Virginia Tech is free for:
* VT affiliates with wireless entitlements (includes students) access and network passwords
* Users at other participating institutions
* After creating this file, make sure to change the owner to root (<code>sudo chown root:root /etc/netctl/VT-Wireless</code>) and change the permissions so that it can be read only by the owner (<code>sudo chmod 0600 /etc/netctl/VT-Wireless</code>). This will ensure that your private key password cannot be read by others easily.
===Why is eduroam the preferred SSID?===
Using eduroam has several advantages:
* The unencrypted portion of your authentication optionally identifies you as "anonymous@vt.edu" rather than revealing your PID
* You have access to seamless roaming if you ever travel to another participating college campus
* The anonymous identity feature separates RADIUS authentication logs from the network access provider's logs
* To connect, simply type the following in a terminal:
===Does eduroam support EAP-TLS?===
sudo netctl start VT-Wireless
Currently, the Virginia Tech eduroam RADIUS servers are not configured for EAP-TLS.
===Network Information Sources===
* [http://www.cns.vt.edu/html/wireless/wlan/index.html Communications Network Services: Wireless LAN]
* [http://computing.vt.edu/internet_and_web/internet_access/ipaddresses.html Virginia Tech IP Addresses]
[[Category:Campus computing resources]]
[[Category:Needs restoration]]

Latest revision as of 14:00, 28 June 2023

On campus, there are 2 wireless networks:

  • eduroam: uses federated credentials and is the preferred method.
  • VirginiaTech: for guests and devices that cannot use the authentication method of eduroam.

Any remotely modern/complete Linux or Unix system will be able to connect to eduroam without any issues.

Because eduroam's credentials are federated, it means that a VT user is able to automatically connect to the Internet at participating institutions. The eduroam-US site provides a technical overview of the authentication system.

General Connection Information


The following settings are recommended for connecting to the eduroam network:

  • SSID: eduroam
  • Phase 2: MSCHAPv2
  • Root CA: "USERTrust RSA Certification Authority" or pin the certificate (see below)
  • Server Name: eduroam.nis.vt.edu
  • Identity: pid@vt.edu (So if your PID was "hokiebird", hokiebird@vt.edu)
  • Anonymous Identity: anonymous@vt.edu
  • Password: Your Network Password

Regardless of what software you use to establish your connection, you must first set your remote (network) passphrase by going to my.vt.edu→Settings→Change Network Password.

Obtaining the Certificate Chain

The certificate presented by the RADIUS server is chained as such:

  • USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
    • InCommon RSA Server CA
      • eduroam.nis.vt.edu

Below is where to obtain each of these, along with some metadata. The filenames are arbitrary, but will be used for the rest of this article. For every certificate (especially the root, the signature chain helps with the rest), consider where you are obtaining it from and how much trust that you are getting what you think you are. You will probably want the PEM formatted certificate, if you have the option.

USERTrust RSA Certification Authority

Filename: USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem

Subject: C = US, ST = New Jersey, L = Jersey City, O = The USERTRUST Network, CN = USERTrust RSA Certification Authority

This is a common root CA and should have shipped with your OS. It is likely located in /etc/ssl/certs/USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem. Note that if you follow the Authority Information Access of the intermediate certificate, it may direct you to a URL which points to a different version of this certficate, which is cross signed by AddTrust and expired in May 2020. The one in your cert store is self-signed and expires in 2038. You want the one from your cert store.

InCommon RSA Server CA

Filename: InCommonRSAServerCA_2.pem

Subject: C = US, ST = MI, L = Ann Arbor, O = Internet2, OU = InCommon, CN = InCommon RSA Server CA

This is an intermediate certificate issued to InCommon. You can get it directly from InCommon here.


Filename: eduroam.nis.vt.edu.pem

Subject: C = US, postalCode = 24061, ST = Virginia, L = Blacksburg, street = 800 Washington St. SW, O = Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, OU = Secure Identity Services, CN = eduroam.nis.vt.edu

This can be obtained from the VT Certificate Manager. This requires PID login. Search for "eduroam.nis.vt.edu". Grab the certificate most recently issued.

Validating the certificate

  1. Obtain all certificates in the chain in PEM format
  2. Concatenate the non-leaf certificates in to a single file:
  3. $ cat USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem InCommonRSAServerCA_2.pem > ca.pem
  4. Verify the certificates are signed correctly
  5. $ openssl verify -verbose -purpose sslserver -CAfile ca.pem eduroam.nis.vt.edu.pem
    eduroam.nis.vt.edu.pem: OK
  6. For at least the root and leaf certificates, verify the subject (compare to above)
  7. $ openssl x509 -in file_of_cert_you_want_to_check -noout -subject

Certificate Pinning

Due to vulnerabilities in the MSCHAPv2 protocol that allow the protocol to be cracked quickly with a 100% success rate[1], it is absolutely critical that the RADIUS server certificate be validated properly before attempting authentication. Where possible, we opt for the highest level of verification of the certificate: manually pinning the hash of the certificate we expect to be presented. The canonical form of the hash used by many network managers is the SHA256 hash of the DER encoding of the certificate.

Validate the certificate (see above) then generate the sha256 hash:

$ openssl x509 -in eduroam.nis.vt.edu.crt -outform der | sha256sum
9b5163a3360f07b2dce2fd1e958c541687cf4c5360bb8adc87fa821c1c969910  -

It is recommended that you perform these steps yourself rather than trusting the certificate hash presented in the configurations below.

Note: As we are pinning the certificate instead of relying on a PKI, when NI&S rotates the certificates being used (at least every year), the configuration will need to be updated to match the new certificate.

Getting your network password hash

MSCHAPv2 verifies the NT4 hash of your password, not the password itself. This means knowing the hash of the password is sufficient to connect to authenticate. Depending on the client, you may be able to store the hash in your config instead of the password. To reiterate, this hash is just as sensitive as your password. The hash is less human memorable, though, and does act as a deterrent to shoulder-surfing.

To derive the password hash, you can:

  | iconv -f ASCII -t UTF-16LE \
  | openssl dgst -md4 \
  | cut -d ' ' -f 2

If you are using OpenSSL 3, you will need to specify the legacy provider:

  | openssl dgst -md4 -provider legacy \

A Word of Caution

Although you can verify connection to the Virginia Tech RADIUS servers you must keep in mind that you are connecting to a network that you do not control. It is possible that there are network monitors in place which can record and potentially modify traffic.

We encourage you to take precautions against network eavesdropping and mischief (on the eduroam network, and in general). Potential countermeasures that one might want to employ include using HTTPS when connecting to sites, using a VPN, or using the Tor Browser Bundle.

For general tips on improving your security while using the network, consider reading the EFF's Surveillance Self-Defense tips, reading Hokie Privacy, and/or contacting the Virginia Tech Information Security Office.

NetworkManager Instructions

In the list of wireless networks, select "eduroam". Set the following options:

  • Wi-Fi security: WPA & WPA2 Enterprise
  • Authentication: Protected EAP (PEAP)
  • Anonymous identity: anonymous@vt.edu
  • Domain: nis.vt.edu
  • CA certificate: Select /path/to/USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem via the file picker
  • PEAP version: Automatic
  • Inner authentication: MSCHAPv2
  • Username: PID@vt.edu

Nm settings.png

wpa_supplicant Instructions

wpa_supplicant is a cross-platform supplicant which implements IEEE 802.1x/WPA and is used in many Linux/UNIX distributions.

In order to connect to the eduroam network, add the following to /etc/wpa_supplicant/eduroam.conf modifying the identity and password to reflect your PID and Network Password:

ctrl_interface=DIR=/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wheel

    # if you prefer to pin the certificate, follow the instructions above to generate a hash
    # if you prefer to dynamically validate the certificate by its cryptographic attributes

You can then connect to the network by running (where wlan0 is your wireless interface):

$ sudo wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/eduroam.conf
$ sudo dhcpcd wlan0

Alternate config options, besides domain_match are as follows (obviously not correct):

subject_match="/C=US/ST=CA/L=San Francisco/CN=Test AS/emailAddress=as@example.com"

More thorough documentation is available at [2]

OpenBSD Instructions

Since the OpenBSD network stack doesn't support 802.1x authentication, wpa_supplicant is needed to connect. wpa_supplicant on OpenBSD is different from its Linux counterpart in that it is only capable of 802.1x authentication and nothing more. First, install wpa_supplicant from ports if it is not already installed. After that, add just the network={ .. } portion of the above configuration to /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf. The wpa_supplicant service can be enabled with (where iwm0 is your wireless interface):

$ rcctl enable wpa_supplicant
$ rcctl set wpa_supplicant flags -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -s -D openbsd -i iwm0
$ rcctl start wpa_supplicant

Finally, connect to the network with (again, replacing iwm0 with your wireless interface):

$ ifconfig iwm0 join eduroam wpa wpaakms 802.1x up
$ dhclient iwm0
$ ifconfig iwm0 inet6 autoconf

netctl Instructions

netctl is a network manager which is native to the ArchLinux distribution. netctl makes use of wpa_supplicant under the hood, and so the configuration is similar.

Put the following configuration in /etc/netctl/eduroam with your proper PID and Network Password. Further, this assumes that your wireless network device is wlan0, which you might have to change to match your system. The ca_cert line pins the server certificate and can be generated/validated using the mechanism described above.

Description='Federated Educational Wifi Network'



The ConfigSection (as per the netctl.profile manpage) is just what you would put in a wpa_supplicant config. Again, note that the domain_match is less secure than ca_cert, but better than not checking at all.

Ensure that this file is owned by root and only readable by root:

$ sudo chown root:root /etc/netctl/eduroam
$ sudo chmod 600 /etc/netctl/eduroam

You can then start the connection using standard netctl methods:

$ sudo netctl start eduroam

connman Instructions

This config should be useable with connman. Replace Passphrase and Identity with your Network password and PID@vt.edu, respectively.

Name = eduroam
Description = Optionally put something descriptive here.

Type = wifi
Name = eduroam
EAP = peap
CACertFile = /etc/ssl/certs/USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem
DomainMatch = eduroam.nis.vt.edu
AnonymousIdentity = anonymous@vt.edu
Phase2 = MSCHAPV2
Identity = PID@vt.edu

iwd Instructions

This is a sample configuration, usually located at something like /var/lib/iwd/eduroam.8021x. For details, read iwd.network(5).

EAP-Method = PEAP
EAP-Identity = anonymous@vt.edu
EAP-PEAP-CACert = embed:USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority
EAP-PEAP-ServerDomainMask = eduroam.nis.vt.edu
EAP-PEAP-Phase2-Method = MSCHAPV2
EAP-PEAP-Phase2-Identity = PID@vt.edu
EAP-PEAP-Phase2-Password-Hash = 8846f7eaee8fb117ad06bdd830b7586c


Android Instructions

Sample Android configuration of eduroam, but crucially lacking certificate validation.

A sample configuration is available to the right, but as this configuration is currently lacking CA certificate validation, we do not at this time recommend connecting to the network.

The Identity needs to be modified to match your PID@vt.edu, and your Network Password needs to be entered in the Password field.


  • Navigate to the list of Wi-Fi networks.
  • "Forget" any existing entries for eduroam.
  • From the "WiFi networks" listing, click on eduroam.
  • Choose PEAP as the EAP method and MSCHAPv2 as the phase two authentication mechanism.
  • For the CA certificate, select "Use system certificates". Optionally, import the root CA from above, and select that instead for better security.
  • For the domain, enter ```eduroam.nis.vt.edu```
  • Enter your pid@vt.edu for the identity
  • Enter "anonymous@vt.edu" for the anonymous identity
  • Enter your Network Password for the password
  • Press "Connect".

NOTE: Older versions of Android do not allow not verifying the server certificate. Setting both the root CA and the domain are essential for protecting your credentials. Although older versions will get you connected, use at your own risk.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is eduroam free?

eduroam at Virginia Tech is free for:

  • VT affiliates with wireless entitlements (includes students) access and network passwords
  • Users at other participating institutions

Why is eduroam the preferred SSID?

Using eduroam has several advantages:

  • The unencrypted portion of your authentication optionally identifies you as "anonymous@vt.edu" rather than revealing your PID
  • You have access to seamless roaming if you ever travel to another participating college campus
  • The anonymous identity feature separates RADIUS authentication logs from the network access provider's logs

Does eduroam support EAP-TLS?

Currently, the Virginia Tech eduroam RADIUS servers are not configured for EAP-TLS.


Network Information Sources