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Linux and Unix Users Group at Virginia Teck Wiki β



652 bytes removed, 22:28, 9 September 2014
Moved csec talks to vtcsec wiki
* Dyretalks (dyreshark's talks on programming languages)
* Ram should give a talk on mix networks
===for [[gp:Cyber Security Club|VTCSEC]]===
* Ask Clancy to coerce cybersecurity grad students into giving talks on their research
* PF / IPTables
* Hardware Crypto
* Metasploit "advanced" CLI
* Physical security - [[User:mjh|Matt]]
* IPv6
* Malware analysis
* Key signing
* Botnets
* Software radio
* Buffer overflows, etc
* Social engineering
* Using CSS to hack Gmail
* Trusted Platform Modules - [[User:dyreshark| dyreshark]]
* Forensics
* Mutt & GPG demo - [[User:hazybluedot|dmaczka]]
* GSM protocol, how to MITM
* MIFARE and iCLASS attacks
* Full Disk Encryption (both boot disk and external drives)
* Mutantmonkey's security practices
== Old talks ==
Anonymous user