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Setting Up Xilinx Utilities

The following instructions were written for Xubuntu 9.10 running on a VMware player virtual machine and may not work on other platforms or versions. If you would like to see additional coverage, please add it yourself or make a request on the wiki's wanted page.

Note that some utilities such as 'impact' are capable of using the libusb driver, while others such as 'xmd' must use the libusb-driver driver. libusb-0.1.4 is installed generally by default in *ubuntu distributions and should be available (but the udev magic still has to happen for the cable to work). In this install, we specify use of the libusb-driver by adding some lines in /opt/Xilinx/11.1/

Operating System

  • Install Xubuntu virtual machine
  • Update OS
  • Reboot (to load latest kernel)

Re-Install VMware tools

  sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` psmisc

(Install VMWare tools through host menu)

Unzip tarball from /mnt/cdrom (or cdrom1) to local dir (such as ~/):

  cd ~/vmware-tools-distrib
  sudo ./

Select all default options, allow the program to launch vmware-toolbox

Add the following to /etc/rc.local (then sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.local):

  /usr/bin/vmware-user &

Add the following to /etc/fstab:

  .host:/       /mnt/hgfs       vmhgfs  user,defaults   0 0

Reboot (Verify any shared folders are now mounted on /mnt/hgfs) (Verify vmware-user is running with: ps ax | grep vmware)

Supporting Libraries

Install libusb:

  sudo apt-get install libusb-0.1-4

Install fxload:

  sudo apt-get install fxload

Xilinx Tool Installation

Install Xilinx ISE Webpack (do not install cable drivers or XilinxUpdate), then run the following commands:

  sudo sed /opt/Xilinx/11.1/ISE/bin/lin/xusbdfwu.rules -e 's:TEMPNODE:tempnode:g' > /etc/udev/rules.d/xusbdfwu.rules

  sudo cp /opt/Xilinx/11.1/ISE/bin/lin/xusb*.hex /usr/share/

  sudo restart udev
    • Note, for the first command you may receive a permissions error. Try the command sudo su to get a root shell then run the same command sans 'sudo'
  • Plug in the Spartan 3E board. Apply power and attach the USB cable between the board and computer. If everything has been done successfully, a greed LED will illuminate next to the USB receptacle on the boad. If unsuccessful, the red LED will be dimly lit.
  • Install the Xilinx EDK (SDK and Chipscope if required)

Installing libusb-driver

Install libusb-dev and git:

                sudo apt-get install libusb-dev git-core

Download libusb-driver sources:

                cd ~/
                git clone git://

Compile and install libusb driver

                cd usb-driver/
                make lib32
                sudo cp /usr/local/lib/

Create a script in /etc/profile.d/ with the following contents:

  export PATH="$PATH/opt/Xilinx/EDK/bin/lin:/opt/Xilinx/11.1/EDK/gnu/microblaze/lin/bin/:/opt/Xilinx/11.1/SDK/bin/lin:/opt/Xilinx/11.1/ISE/bin/lin"

Make the script executable:

  sudo chmod +x /etc/profile.d/

Add the following lines to /opt/Xilinx/11.1/ just after list=""

  export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/

16) Prior to launching a Xilinx tool (such as xmd), you must type the following command:

  source /opt/Xilinx/11.1/
  • Note if you wish to create a launcher in the desktop environment, use the following format for the 'command' and it will automatically source the before launching the application:
   /bin/bash -c 'source /opt/Xilinx/11.1/ && ise'

Sources and Other Contributors: Via (VTLUUG member)

Makefile Tricks

Automatic Download

This automatically downloads your program to the Spartan board after building. It assumes $(NAME).elf is the file you'd like to download. Note that you will probably miss warning messages regarding your code so you might want to first run make normally.

dl: $(NAME).elf
	echo 'dow $(NAME).elf' > xmd.ini
	echo 'run' >> xmd.ini
	rm xmd.ini

When you're done, type exit to quit xmd.

Automatic Debug

debug: $(NAME).elf
	mb-gdb &

When you're done, type exit on the command line to quit xmd.

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Cable Lock Workaround

Sometimes you'll get an error with cable locking. Typing the following into xmd should fix this.


9.x Native USB Driver