,no edit summary
The [[gp:Computer Science|Computer Science Department]] (CS) runs a relatively old machine that mirrors for a few smaller distributions of GNU/Linux, including Arch and Knoppix. The Arch mirror has now been updated so it has current packages. Their mirrors are available at [httphttps://mirror.cs.vt.edu/ httphttps://mirror.cs.vt.edu/].It has* Arch* Rocky* Cygwin* Slackware* EPEL (an additional package repository for Enterprise Linux distros [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL]
VTTI currently hosts a [https://mirror.vtti.vt.edu/site/ mirror] with many distro and software repositories, and IPv6-accessable Ubuntu PPAs
([[User:Telnoratti]] seems to run this now.)
* Fedora
* CentOSFreeBSD* Scientific Linux* OpenIndianaIPFire
* OpenBSD
* FreeBSDOpenSUSE* NetBSDRaspbian* Ubuntuas well as software repos for* CPAN* CRAN* EPEL* ROS
=Direct Links===Free Software ApplicationsECE==Several Free Software applications are mirrored. ===Firefox===* The [[httpgp://mirror.cc.vt.edu/pub/mozilla/firefox/releases/ ReleasesElectrical and Computer Engineering|Electrical and Computer Department]] (CC) ===Thunderbird===* [http://mirror.cc.vt.edu/pub/mozilla/thunderbird/releases/ Releases] (CC) ==GNU/Linux Distributions==The installation disk images can be somewhat hard to find. Direct links to the current disk image folder for the following GNU/Linux distributions are provided for your convenience. ===Arch===* at [http://mirror.ece.vt.edu/archlinux/iso/latest/ Latest] (ECE)* Server line: Server = http://mirror.ece.vt.edu/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch** Updated every hour ===Fedora===* [http://mirrors.vbi.vt.edu/mirrors/linux/fedora/releases/16/Live/ 16] (VBI) ===Gentoo===* [http://mirrorhas been down for quite some time now.cc.vt.edu/pub/gentoo/releases/x86/Depending on the attitudes of the current-iso/ Current x86 ISO] (CC) ===openSUSE=== ===Ubuntu=== ===Sabayon===* [http://mirror.csECE IT regime, running it could possibly be a VTLUUG project.vt.edu/pub/SabayonLinux/ All versions] (CS)
=Package Manager Use=