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200 bytes removed, 01:35, 5 January 2019
On the Network Architecture
[[File:Infra2019-network.png|thumb|500px|A simple network diagram by [[user:pew|pew]]]]
We currently have some services with public IPv4 address, and all hosts have an internal IPv4 address on the 10.9998.x.x/16 subnet and an IPv6 address assigned via SLAAC.In the future, it may be wise to bridge this network to anethernet port on cyberdelia, so that a switch can be used to network our other services. When we have rackspaceto do so, [[Infrastructure:IPsec|VPN]]/[[Iodine]] access to the internal network will should be necessaryused.
In theory, services can be provided via a hidden service such as [[w:Tor|Tor]], but that introduces other complications.
Alternately, services can require use of the [[Infrastructure:IPsec|VPN]] on [[Infrastructure:acidburnAcidburn|acidburn]],
[[Iodine]], or [[Secure Shell|ssh tunnelling]], although all of these limit usage to members with a shell account.
All of these have the benefit of NAT transversal, however.