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Project Bringing Sexy Back

2 bytes added, 01:23, 2 December 2017
no edit summary
This is an effort toward the end of Fall 2017 to get new hardware, determining if we can use old hardware for anything, bring many vtluug services back to life plus add new services, fix major problems relating to the current infrastructure, make managing the current infrastructure easier, and to provide enough documentation so that anybody can have a very good understanding of how everything works without having to ask the officers about every little everything. This goes beyond documentating what we have (aka the wiki), instead provide a sort of guide that provides an overview on how to run everything. Yes, we realize this is a massive task. Timeline TBD.
One major change we are considering is running an OpenStack oVirt or Proxmox cluster for managing everything, along with offering a VPS service in addition to shell accounts on [[Infrastructure:Acidburn|Acidburn]]. This is not possible with the current hardware.
Oh, and tshirts.
== Infrastructure Organization ==
=== Planned Infrastructure Organization ===
* Use [[w:Debian|Debian]] instead of [[w:Centos|Centos]] due to better compataiblity with [[w:ZFS|ZFS]] and upgradability. Regarding the effectively dead [[EL Migration Project]], I'd like to see some specific examples of this if it's an issue because both [[w:Debian|Debian]] and [[w:Centos|Centos]] are both very popular for servers.
* Continue using [[Infrastructure:temp88191|temp88191]] as a router. OS TBD. Currently running ubuntu 14.04 (upgrade to 16.04 possible) Also see [[Infrastructure:Networking|our networking setup]]
* Get a new compute server, and use [[Infrastructure:Cyberdelia|Cyberdelia]] as a NAS (possibly using [[w:FreeNAS|FreeNAS]] or [[w:FreeBSD|FreeBSD]]).
* Possibly use some old hardware for part of an OpenStack oVirt or Proxmox cluster.
== Planned Services ==
Anonymous user