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Linux and Unix Users Group at Virginia Teck Wiki β


Surplus Feb 25

355 bytes added, 14 February
no edit summary
* [[User:Enzoisotton]] $100
* [[User:Caleb]] $100
* [[User:Daddykeystroke]] $60
* [[User:Botjoe]] $100
* [[User:Nate]] $50
== Max acceptable bid for each item ==
* 2x Precision t3XXX: $30 ($15 per)
* 2x Precision t5XXX: $40 ($20 per)
== Results ==
The club couldn't get anything -- the rackmount servers went for $700, the decent-pile for $330, an the shit-pile for $875. We are mystified as to that last one.
[[User:Nate]] got a couple lots, [[User:Lyle]] got some precision 5820s, both for their personal use.
[[Category:VTLUUG:Events]] [[Category:VTLUUG:2025]]