More info will be This is an effort toward the end of Fall 2017 to get new hardware, determining if we can use old hardware for anything, bring many vtluug services back to life plus add new services, fix major problems relating to the current infrastructure, make managing the current infrastructure easier, and to provide enough documentation so that anybody can have a very good understanding of how everything works without having to ask the officers about every little everything. This goes beyond documentating what we have (aka the wiki), instead provide a sort of guide that provides an overview on how to run everything. One major change we are considering is running an OpenStack cluster for managing everything, along with offering a VPS service in addition to shell accounts on [[Infrastructure:Acidburn|Acidburn]]. This is not possible with the current hardware. Oh, and tshirts. //TODO talk about doing stuff from the project list [[T-shirts]] //TODO update with designs == Getting new hardware ==[[Infrastructure:Cyberdelia|Cyberdelia]] is the only connected physical machine right now, besides [[Infrastructure:Temp88191|our router]]. See [[Infrastructure 2017]]. We are planning to request funding from the SBB for new infrastructure as early as possible Spring 2018. We are still working on exactly what to ask for, but here later when fall are some desirable things://TODO link items{| class='wikitable' id='sortMe'!Priority!Item!Estimated Cost|-|10|Dell PowerEdge R430|$1,200 - $1,400|-|10|RAM (R430s only have 8GB)|~ $245/16GB|-|9|1Gp/s Switch|~ $100|-|8|UPS|TBD - Based on infra power usage|} == Old hardware evaulation ===== [[Infrastructure:Wood|Wood]] === == Infrastructure Organization ===== Planned Infrastructure Organization ===* Use [[w:Debian|Debian]] instead of [[w:Centos|Centos]] due to better compataiblity with [[w:ZFS|ZFS]] and upgradability. Regarding [[EL_Migration_Project]], I'd like to see some specific examples of this if it's an issue because both [[w:Debian|Debian]] and [[w:Centos|Centos]] are both very popular for servers.* Get a new compute server, and use [[Infrastructure:Cyberdelia|Cyberdelia]] as a NAS (possibly using [[w:FreeNAS|FreeNAS]]). Hence the need for a switch as well* Continue using [[Infrastructure:temp88191|temp88191]] as a router.* Possibly use some old hardware for part of the OpenStack cluster. == Planned Services ===== REQUIRED === === VERY IMPORTANT === === IMPORTANT === === Other things to consider === == Issues with current services ===== For all services using a custom systemd script ===* Need standard place to put script for organization** [[Wadsworth]] contains scripts in the homedir** VTBash contains scripts in [[User:pew|pew]]'s homedir === VTLUUG wiki ===* Need meeting script* Some meetings weren't added to category (fixed??)* Lots of out of date information* Templates? === Gobblerpedia ===* Lots of out of date information* Need templates for buildings == VTBash ==* [] is working as of August 2017 ends.* An issue with the code resulted in 2 different databases, eash of which is very large and good** We need to convert these sqlite dbs* Needs overhaul** Shittly converted to python 3 from python 2 and wordwrap isn't a thing