no edit summary
The [[gp:Linux and Unix Users Group Wiki|Linux and Unix Users Group at Virginia Tech Wiki]] is a [[gp:free information|free reference]]. Its purpose is to document how to make the most of Virginia Tech and other resources by utilizing *nix operating systems. Many articles on this site are templates from the VTLUUG-pioneered [[u:Main page|'''Uniluug project]]''', in hopes of fostering greater collaboration between university Linux and Unix user groups.
'''Please Note: This wiki was migrated from MySQL to PostgreSQL on May 20th, 2011, LDAP is not very well supported in MW 1.30 and existing accounts are no longer accessible[https://github. No pages have been lost, but you will have to recreate your account. We apologize com/dexidp/dex/pull/1201 dex doesn't support MW's OpenIDConnect Extension yet] so for the inconveniencetime being you must login with a Google Account.'''
==Featured Material =[[Required software=<categorytree |Course Software]]==mode=pages>Featured content</categorytree>
===[[:Browse Wiki by Category: IRC|IRC commands]]==<categorytree | mode=pages>Root</categorytree>
===Browse Wiki by Category=Roadmap==See the [[Special{{:Categories]] page.Project list}}
==CalendarAbout this wiki=={{This wiki was intended to support *nix usage on campus. Here are suggested items for this wiki:* Anything related to Linux usage, such as tutorials and other documentation, especially related to that at VT* Anything related to VTLUUG (meeting minutes, infrastructure, projects, history, etc)* Technical projects that VTLUUG members (individually or collectively) have done* General geekery that doesn't fit anywhere else, related to interests of one or more VTLUUG:Calendar}}members (e.g. audio gear, coffee, amateur radio, etc.)* Opinionated content that may not reflect the interests of the entire Virginia Tech or Blacksburg community