Date, Time and Location
- Thursday, February 21, 2013
- 20:30 - 22:00
- 261 Durham Hall
Group orders
Yubikeys are here!!! See Timelord with $22 at some point during the meeting to claim yours. (Documentation: Official Yubico Manual, VTLUUG Wiki)
Raspberry Pis
VTLUUG is making a group order of Raspberry Pis, power supplies, cables, and enclosures.
If you are interested, talk to Timelord.
Note that this order is not restricted to raspberry pi things. We are ordering from Newark/element14 which makes tons of electronics and stuff, so chances are they have something else you want too. If you find something you want, just say something or add it to the Group orders page.
Here's the signup page if you want to order one.
Other orders
Does anybody want anything that other vtluugers might be interested in too? (not necessarily from the above vendor) If you see something, say something.
Open Source News
Andrei's News
VTLUUG Announcements
Technical Talks & General Discussion
- Ansible - mutantmonkey and possibly failedassertion and scanf
- Yubikey - Timelord
- Raspberry Pi cluster - mhazinsk