Ideas for Registered Student Organizations
Here's a list of ideas for that people would like to see created. Feel free to contribute!
- Students Against Web-CAT
- Timecube club
- Students Against Surveillance - mapping of cameras around campus, FOIAing surveillance details, and petitioning for the removal of cameras
- Students Against Student Activities - petitioning for reform of the DSA
- Students Against the Unversity Bookstore
- VT Watch (similar to UT Watch)
- Computing Club to encompass Linux and Unix Users Group,
VTCSEC, Locations Club, other clubs we stage a coup against, etc. - Alternative Association for Computing Machinery chapter
- Revival of the Free Culture Club
- Meta Club - A club with the goal to form more RSOs
- Beta Sigma Delta fraternity
- Coal Security Club
- Pen Testing Club
- Beard and Brew Society
- Students for the Unethical Annexation of Harrisonburg
- Party Negative - an initiative similar to Party Positive, but with alternative viewpoints
- "Students for Facts" - Club that generates automated FOIA requests
- Electricity Club that meets in Surge -- dyreshark
- Feudal Club
- Cultural and Tolerance Club
- Students for a Fourth Reich -- telnoratti
- Andrei News Club
- Communism Club -- wallmani
- Creative Communism Club
- File sharing club (see dtella)
- Wireless long-distance networking club - to experiment with technologies to provide better internet service to Blacksburg (see darknet)
- Students Against Students -- angelicstrike
- Students Anti-technology Council (see also Amish lifestyle)
- Students Against the Tablet
- Pirate Party at Virginia Tech
- Students against NAT - An RSO dedicated to petitioning CNS to request more IPv4 blocks from ARIN as an alternative to NATing the dorm subnets
- Students for NAT - An RSO dedicated to petitioning CNS to placing the entire Virginia Tech IPv4 network behind a single IP address. --ram
- Carrier-grade IPv6 NAT
- Revival of 2600
- Something dedicated to getting coffee dispensaries in each building -- ram, matt
- SCAM club (find an acronym) to have "bake sales" that benefit VTLUUG / other worthy clubs
- Some club to provide coffee machines in the CS Lounge
- IPv6 Club - Dedicated to the advancement of the civilized Internet protocol.
- Petitioning departments to become IPv6-only and donate their IPv4 allocations to VTLUUG
- Students Against GUIs --ram, matt
- Advocate for the creation of a text user interface programming class and elimination of required GUI software
- Students Against the Engineering Education Department -- matt
- The Paradox Club -- angelicstrike
- Students against Going Google -- matt
- Students for multi-platform Software -- vorpalblade
- Or Students Against Windows Software (SAWS)
- Freight Train Riders of Virginia Tech
- Society for the Exploration of Anarchism at Virginia Tech
- Survivalism Club at Virginia Tech
- Duck Pond Yacht Club
- Zombie Rights Campaign
- Jailbreak Club
- Humans vs Zombies club
- Ant appreciation club
- 47% club
- Anti-nuclear reactor club
- Pro-nuclear reactor club
- Instigation club
- Students for nuclear proliferation of Iran
- Solipsists @ VT
- Token ring LAN enthusiasts club
- matt may have some SPARC hardware that supports token ring
- Cyber Robin Hood Club
- Hardware hacking club
- Software hacking club
- Firmware hacking club
- Tupperware hacking club
- Silverware hacking club
- Students for Distinguishable Alert Sirens
- Users' Groups
- Hurd Users' Group
- Macintosh Users' Group
- Haiku Users' Group
- Telnoratti Users' Group
- DOS Users' Group
- Windows NT Users' Group / Computation Using NT -- User:ram
- Computer Users' Membership (Membership of VT that use computers)
- Virginia Tech Unix Linux Users Group (VTULUG)
- VT Network Information Group -- User:dyreshark
- Windows and Apple Networking Community -- User:dyreshark
- Warcarting at Virginia Tech
- Time Travelers for a Better Future