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Linux and Unix Users Group at Virginia Teck Wiki β



7,942 bytes added, 22:24, 2 January 2018
''Please Note: This list is '' '''Incredibly''' ''out of date, and should not be relied on as an accurate representation''
''of the current status of VTLUUG infrastructure. Refer to [[Infrastructure]] for more current information''
{| class='wikitable'
! Time
! Service
! Action
| 2018-01-02
| [[user:echarlie]]/[[user:mhazinsk]]
| acidburn
| fingerd
| configured fingerd using openbsd-inetd, since the alternatives are shite
| 2018-01-02
| [[User:pew|pew]]
| Wiki
| Everything
| Organization
| 2012-08-05 20:09
| truncatedcone
| Tweaked initscript to disable torsocks; he cannot connect to his MySQL database through torsocks
| 2012-09-24 00:20
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Acidburn|acidburn]]
| truncatedcone
| Temporarily hard-coded an IPv6 OFTC server to mitigate IPv4 connectivity issues
| 2012-09-24 16:15
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Acidburn|acidburn]]
| Network
| Moved IP to to mitigate problems with
| 2012-09-24 16:26
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Acidburn|acidburn]]
| truncatedcone
| Removed hard-coded IPv6 OFTC server and installed POE::Component::Client::DNS so IPv6 DNS resolving will work automatically
| 2012-10-06 02:15
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Acidburn|acidburn]]
| Packages
| Installed python-pyasn1, python-twisted, python-twisted-conch, python-twisted-lore, python-twisted-mail, python-twisted-names, python-twisted-news, python-twisted-runner, python-twisted-web, sshfs, fuse
| 2012-10-06 02:31
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Acidburn|acidburn]]
| Filesystem
| <code>chmod 1600 /dev/fuse && chown root:fuse /dev/fuse</code> to correct issues with sshfs
| 2012-10-06 02:47
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Blade|blade]]
| Packages
| Uninstalled mlocate
| 2012-10-06 02:53
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Milton|milton]]
| Nagios
| Updated configuration to add blade, remove vtluug
| 2012-10-06 03:09
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Milton|milton]]
| Nginx
| Fixed Nagios web interface (set git:www-data owner on /var/cache/nagios3 and updated path to socket)
| 2012-11-09 01:39
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Milton|milton]]
| Initscripts
| Replaced and cleaned up Django initscript
| 2012-11-12 20:55
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Acidburn|acidburn]]
| Postfix
| Set up email alias food to redirect to jpo
| 2012-11-12 22:20
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Acidburn|acidburn]]
| Postfix
| Corrected food email alias to redirect to timelord
| 2012-11-14 20:27
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Acidburn|acidburn]]
| Packages
| Installed imagemagick
| 2012-12-07 00:22
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Milton|milton]]
| Django
| Switched to uwsgi; will need to create a proper initscript and move uwsgi start from /etc/rc.local later
| 2012-12-07 00:53
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Milton|milton]]
| Gitolite
| Added Git hook to automatically update site when pushing to git
| 2013
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Milton|milton]]
| MediaWiki
| Installed AntiSpoof and AbuseFilter extensions on wikis
| 2013
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Milton|milton]]
| nginx
| Blacklisted some known bad user-agents from sending POST requests
| 2013-02-02 19:41
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Milton|milton]]
| MediaWiki
| Installed CategoryTree extension on wikis
| 2013-02-23 15:40
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Acidburn|acidburn]]
| Packages
| Installed task
| 2013-03-07 13:33
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Lordnikon|lordnikon]]
| Unbound
| Disable OpenNIC tier 2 relay for off-campus IPs
| 2013-03-10 19:17
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Acidburn|acidburn]]
| Packages
| Installed bitlbee
| 2013-03-11 19:32
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Acidburn|acidburn]]
| Postfix
| Updated email aliases
| 2013-04-25 19:44
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Acidburn|acidburn]]
| Disabled LDAP authentication; Kerberos is now mandatory
| 2013-05-02 02:28
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:Lordnikon|lordnikon]]
| BIND and Unbound removed and replaced with NSD
| 2013-05-02 02:28
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| *
| /etc/resolv.conf switched to use {jeru,milo,yardbird}
| 2013-05-14 22:16
| [[User:telnoratti|telnoratti]]
| [[Infrastructure:acidburn|acidburn]]
| Disabled SSH login until CVE-2013-2094 has been patched for debian
| 2013-05-30 12:52
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:milton|milton]]
| Packages
| Installed logwatch and fortune-mod
| 2013-08-06 20:25
| [[User:telnoratti|telnoratti]]
| [[Infrastructure:milton|milton]]
| Routing
| Reclaimed and sent message to CNS.
| 2013-08-27 13:11
| [[User:telnoratti|telnoratti]]
| [[Infrastructure:acidburn|acidburn]]
| Resources
| Killed an ssh process that had been hogging cpu time
| 2013-08-28 14:55
| [[User:telnoratti|telnoratti]]
| [[Infrastructure:cerealkiller|cerealkiller]]
| Tor
| Fixed tor node being down
| 2013-08-29 00:50
| [[User:telnoratti|telnoratti]]
| [[Infrastructure:lordnikon|lordnikon]]
| Fixed slave dns to use as the master instead of and added AAAA for cyberdelia
| 2013-09-07 17:30
| [[User:telnoratti|telnoratti]]
| [[Infrastructure:milton|milton]]
| gobblerpedia
| Restricted email domains for sign ups
| 2013-09-07 17:45
| [[User:telnoratti|telnoratti]]
| [[Infrastructure:milton|milton]]
| Installed mosh and squeeze-backports
| 2013-09-07 18:04
| [[User:telnoratti|telnoratti]]
| [[Infrastructure:acidburn|acidburn]]
| Email
| Now accepting mail to and
| 2013-09-11 23:20
| [[User:telnoratti|telnoratti]]
| [[Infrastructure:cyberdelia|cyberdelia]]
| Auth
| Integrated with authentication infrastructure.
| 2013-09-14 12:44
| [[User:telnoratti|telnoratti]]
| [[Infrastructure:milton|milton]]
| nfs
| Fixed nfs shares so /files and gopher work again
| 2013-09-18 01:45
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:milton|milton]]
| mediawiki
| Tweaked LocalSettings.php to fix nesting of extension configs
| 2014-04-19 23:37
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:acidburn|acidburn]]
| Packages
| Installed sshguard
| 2014-04-19 23:37
| [[User:mutantmonkey|mutantmonkey]]
| [[Infrastructure:acidburn|acidburn]]
| fstab
| Configured /proc to be mounted with hidepid=2 to hide other user's processes from normal users
| 2014-04-27 02:29
| [[User:telnoratti|telnoratti]]
| [[Infrastructure:sunway|sunway]]
| distcc
| Configured and benched distcc
| 2014-12-28 20:24
| [[User:mjh|Matt]]
| [[Infrastructure:acidburn|acidburn]]
| phenny
| Fixed foodforus module
| 2014-12-28 20:24
| [[User:mjh|Matt]]
| [[Infrastructure:acidburn|acidburn]], [[Infrastructure:milton|milton]], [[Infrastructure:lordnikon|lordnikon]]
| Users WWW
| Users now hosted on acidburn and proxied through milton
| 2014-12-28 21:05
| [[User:mjh|Matt]]
| [[Infrastructure:cerealkiller|cerealkiller]]
| tor
| Shutdown tor relay on wood because it's been dropped from consensus
| 2014-12-28 21:05
| [[User:mjh|Matt]]
| [[Infrastructure:milton|milton]]
| munin
| Removed munin cronjob on milton due to excessive CPU use
| 2014-12-29
| [[User:mjh|Matt]]
| [[Infrastructure:crashoverride|crashoverride]]
| [[Tahoe-LAFS]]
| Created new onion grid.
| 2014-12-29
| [[User:mjh|Matt]]
| [[Infrastructure:cerealkiller|cerealkiller]]
| [[Tor]]
| Created new cerealkiller VM on cyberdelia with Tor relay.
| 2014-12-30 16:56
| [[User:mjh|Matt]]
| [[Infrastructure:crashoverride|crashoverride]]
| [[Tahoe-LAFS]]
| Decommissioned old introducer VM.
Anonymous user