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Linux and Unix Users Group at Virginia Teck Wiki β


This page describes how to contribute to this wiki, and things that need to be done as well. Wikipedia's guide has a good overview of contributing, but this page is specific to this Wiki.

A large problem we've had is page and/or category fragmentation and out of date information.

Editing this wiki

  • Don't create a page unless you have a lot to write about. In most cases, this is better suited to be added to an existing page such as Class Software.
  • If you create a page, add it to applicable categories or pages so people actually discover it.
  • Don't create a category unless there are several pages that are in it.
    • People don't navigate the wiki using categories. Instead, use terms you think people will use to search for your page.
  • Explore Existing categories

Things to do

Updating the wiki

This is more for sysadmins than contributors but below are the steps laid out to update this and Gobblerpedia (MediaWiki). This has been taken from the MediaWiki's Upgrade Guide.

  1. Run pending jobs
    php maintenance/runJobs.php
  2. Back up the database, settings, and content
    Basic Instructions
    mysqldump --user=wikidb_user --password=wikidb_userpassword wikidb > file.sql 
    mysqldump --user=wikidb_user --password=wikidb_userpassword wikidb --xml > file.xml
    or if MariaDB is used (which I think it might be)
    mariadb-dump --user=wikidb_user --password=wikidb_userpassword wikidb > file.sql 
    mariadb-dump --user=wikidb_user --password=wikidb_userpassword wikidb --xml > file.xml
    Since this is dockerized, there should be nothing essential to backup from inside the container.
  3. Need to create a new image with the new MediaWiki version
  4. Upgrade extensions (if any)
  5. Adapt LocalSettings.php
    This might be harder due to VTLUUG using such an old version of MediaWiki
    1. This includes removing the renameUser Extension
      wfLoadExtension( 'Renameuser' );
  6. Run the upgrade script
    php maintenance/update.php