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1,167 bytes added, 03:25, 11 February 2012
Created page with "Dtella is a decentralized direct connect hub used for file sharing. Because it's able to restrict file sharing to a specific IP range, Dtella is ideal for usage at low-latency..."
Dtella is a decentralized direct connect hub used for file sharing. Because it's able to restrict file sharing to a specific IP range, Dtella is ideal for usage at low-latency campus networks where upload limits are imposed for external traffic. Open source software for a Virginia Tech Dtella hub is available at [] and is maintained by [[Special:mutantmonkey mutantmonkey]].

== Linux Installation Instructions ==
* Grab the latest snapshot from []
* Untar the source and move to your home directory
$ tar -xzf dtella-vt-*.tar.gz
$ cd dtella-vt-*
$ mkdir ~/.dtella
$ mv <extracted folder>/* ~/.dtella
* Create a script to launch the python script
<code>$ cd ~
$ vim dtella </code>

python2 ~/.dtella/ & </code>

<code>$ chmod +x dtella </code>
* Install a DC++ client, such as [ LinuxDC++] (in Arch, use linuxdcpp)
* Launch Dtella by executing <code>~/.dtella</code>, then launch your DC++ client and connect to localhost:7314
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