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Linux and Unix Users Group at Virginia Teck Wiki β



1 byte removed, 20:45, 5 January 2010
To connect to a remote server over secure shell, use the ConnectBot application available from the Android Market. To insert a tab character with the virtual keyboard, press the trackball and then the i key. To insert an escape character with the soft keyboard, press.the trackball twice. To page up and down, scroll with the touchscreen on the left side. Further special key instructions can be found in the ConnectBot documentation.
O=Editing Wiki Pages=
The default browser handles editing large text boxes in portrait mode very poorly. The workaround is to use landscape mode for editing large text boxes such as those found on wikis. Additionally, the vertical bar or pipe on the soft keyboard is a <code>¦</code> character rather than a <code>|</code>. Copy and paste provide a workaround for this bug, but it's surprising that Google couldn't properly map the keys on its software keyboard.
[[Category:Embedded *nix]]
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