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Class software

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Tmux - Popular terminal multiplexer
This page includes information about both libre and non-libre software, rather than having it fragmented in a ton of separate pages across the wiki. ==CoursesLibre Applications =={| class='wikitable'|-! Course! Software! Semesters! Professors! Notes|-| See [[gp:BIT 2406|BIT 2406 - Quantitative MethodsAnnotation]]for a more in depth explanation about annotation software.| Microsoft Excel 2007 (Solver, Analysis Toolpack)| ?| ?| |==== [ Jarnal] -Java based PDF annotator ====| ==== [[gphttps:COMM 2004|COMM 2004 - Public Speaking// Okular]]| Microsoft Powerpoint| ??| ??| |-KDE Document viewer ====| ==== [[gphttp:CS 4984|CS 4984 - Intro to Cyber Security]// Xournal]| VMware| ??| ??| VMware images provided with assignments but can be converted.|-GTK+ inking application ====| [==== [gphttps:CEE 4024|CEE 4024// GNURadio]]| Microsoft Project| ??| ??| Planner lacks resource levelling or constraints|-"Provides signal processing blocks to implement software-defined radios and signal-processing systems." ====| CEE (multiple)==== Used by the Hume Center for research ====| Autodesk family| Many| Many| |-| ==== [[gp:ECE 1574|ECE 1574LaTeX]]| Microsoft Visual C++| Spring 2015| All| Some Professors just use it as compiler; allow (encourage) open-source editors, allow g++|Markup & typesetting system for producing high-quality documents ====| [* The [gphttps:ECE 2074|ECE 2074 - Circuit Analysis// Beamer]]| Zeitnitz Soundcard Oscilloscope| Prior is used to Fall 2012create slides/posters| All||-| * See [[gp:ECE 2074 | ECE 2074 - Circuit AnalysisLaTeX#Example_LaTeX_documents]]for example documents| Velleman PCSGU250 ==== [http:// PCLab| Fall 2012 www.mono- present| All| | Mono] -Cross platform .NET compiler and runtime ====| [* [gphttp:ECE 2504|ECE 2504 - Intro to CpE]// MonoDevelop]GUI for Mono| LogicWorks| Spring 2012| KL Cooper| Substitutes not accepted==== [http://pygments.|org/ Pygments] - Source code pretty-printer that outpus to many formats ====| ==== [[gphttps:ECE 2534|ECE 2534 //www.r- Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing] R]| MPLAB X| All| All||-The programming language for statistics ====| [==== [gphttp:ECE 2534|ECE 2534 - Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing]// SPIM]| Xilinx tools| Ending in Spring 2012 (??)| All| |-MIPS R2000 & R3000 simulator for educational purposes ====| [==== [gphttps:ECE 2574|ECE 2574// VirtualBox]]| Microsoft Visual C++||||-Virtualization software ====| [==== [gphttps:ECE 3504|ECE 3504 // LibVirt] - Digital Design 1]]| WinCupl| Spring 2013 (?)| Thweatt| Class has been superceded by ECE 3544API for manaing virtual machines under QEMU, KVM, which does not require WinCupl|-or XEN ====| * [[gphttps:ECE 4560|ECE 4560 // virt- Computer and Network Security Fundamentals]manager]is a GUI for libvirt| Virtualbox| Spring 2014| Marchany| Other hypervisors work too==== [http://xmonad.|org Xmonad] -Haskell based windows manager ====| * [[gphttps:ECE 4564|ECE 4564 - Network Applications]// Ackthet's]configuration| MS Visual C# + ==== [http://bluej.NET| Unknown| Unknown| No longer used.|org/ BlueJ] -Simple Java IDE ====| ==== [[gphttps:ECE 4564|ECE 4564 // Network Applications]Rip/clang_complete Clang Complete]| Python| Fall 2014| Plymale| Raspberry Pis running Raspbian are used as the platform.|-Popular Clang addon for vim ====| [==== [gphttps:ENGE 1024 Engineering Exploration|ENGE 1024 Engineering Exploration]// Screen]| [[DyKnow]], [[LabView]]| Fall 2011| All| DyKnow required for attendance|-Popular terminal multiplexer ====| ==== [[gpw:ENGE 1104 Exploration of Digital Futuretmux|ENGE 1104 Exploration of Digital Futuretmux]]- Popular terminal multiplexer ====| * [[LabView]], [[MATLAB.tmux.conf|User .tmux.conf configs]]| Spring 2012| All| MATLAB functions not found in Octave required|-|[==== [gphttp:MUS 1104|MUS 1104 - Music Appreciation// Xoscope]] (online)| Adobe Flash Player, Sibelius Scorch| All| All||-Oscilloscope program ====| ==== [[gphttp:ENGE 1215|ENGE 1215 Intro to Engineering]// Xournal]- Notetaking/Sketching/Journal App ====| ==== [[DyKnowQucs]], - "Quite Universal Circuit Simulator" ==== ==== [[MATLAB QtOctave]], [[PDF Annotator]]| Fall 2015| Most, All, All| - GUI for Octave could be used; Xournal substitutes well for PDF Annotator |}====
==SoftwareNon-libre Applications ==
{| class='wikitable'
! Notes
| [[ MATLAB]]
| style="background: LightCoral" | Proprietary
| style="background: gold" | [ Gold]
| [ Parallelize number crunching] using the [ CVL]
| [[ DyKnow]]
| style="background: LightCoral" | Proprietary
| style="background: LightCoral" | Garbage
| Contains malware.
| [[ LabView]]
| style="background: LightCoral" | Proprietary
| [ Microsoft Visual C++]]
| style="background: LightCoral" | Proprietary
| style="background: LightCoral" | [ Garbage]
| style="background: LightCoral" | No
| [ Gnumeric]
| Absolute values ( such as "1" or "0") can not be used forconstraints. Multiple cell ranges can not be manipulated at once,making Gnumeric unusable for transshipment problems and goalprogramming. Cell ranges can only be compared to ranges of equal lengthand width in constraints. Nonlinear programming is not yet possible.
Reports are dated in UTC.
| [[Velleman PCSGU250]] / [ PCLab]
| style="background: LightCoral" | Proprietary
| style="background: rgb(225, 172, 110)" | [ Bronze?]
|}  ==Required Free/Open Source Software==This is a list of [[Free Software]] required for classes. '''TODO: Migrate this to the other two sections.''' {| class='wikitable'|-! Course! Software! License! Package Name|-  | [[gp:ECE 2500 Computer Organization|ECE 2500 Computer Organization]]| [[SPIM]]| BSD| '''Gentoo''': [ spim]  '''Ubuntu''': [ spim] '''Arch Linux''': [https://www.archlinuxrespondus.orgcom/packagesproducts/?q=qtspim qtspim]|lockdown-  | [[gp:CS 1054 Introduction to Programming in Java|CS 1054 Introduction to Programming in Java]browser/ Respondus LockDown Browser]| rowspanstyle="2background: LightCoral" | [[BlueJ]]Proprietary| rowspanstyle="2" | [[GPL]]| rowspan="2background: LightCoral" | '''Arch Linux''': [ bluej]|-| [[gp:CS 1114 Introduction to Software Design|CS 1114 Introduction to Software Design]]|-  | [[gp:CS 2114 Software Design application& Data Structures|CS 2114 Software Design & Data Structures]]| [[Eclipse]]| [[EPL]]| '''Arch Linux''': [ No?q=eclipse eclipse]|-  | [[gp:CS 2505 Intro to Computer Organization I|CS 2505 Intro to Computer Organization I]]| rowspanstyle="2background: LightCoral" | [[MARS]]| rowspan="2" | MIT| rowspan="2" | '''Arch Linux''': [httpshttp://aursupport.archlinuxrespondus.orgcom/support/packagesindex.php?ID=34565 mars-mips]|-| [[gp:CS 2506 Intro to Computer Organization II|CS 2506 Intro to Computer Organization II]]|-  | [[gp:CS 2505 Intro to Computer Organization I|CS 2505 Intro to Computer Organization I]]| rowspan="3" | [[w:GNU Compiler Collection|gcc]]| rowspan="3" | GPL| rowspan="3" | '''Arch Linux''': [https:/Knowledgebase/Article/View/www.archlinux.org201/packages25/?q=gcc gcc]|students-see-the-warning-the-browser-cant-be-used-in-virtual-machine-software-such-as-virtual-| [[gp:CS 2506 Intro to Computer Organization II|CS 2506 Intro to Computer Organization II]]|pc-| [[gp:CS 3214 Computer Systems|CS 3214 Computer Systems]]|vmware-| [[gp:CS 3214 Computer Systems|CS 3214 Computer Systems]]| [[w:GNU Debugger|gdb]]| GPL| '''Arch Linux''': [ gdb]|and-  | [[gp:CS 3214 Computer Systems|CS 3214 Computer Systems]]| [[w:Valgrind|valgrind]parallels No]| GPL| '''Arch Linux''': [ valgrind]|-  | [[gp"background:CS 3304 Comparative LanguagesLightCoral" |CS 3304 Comparative Languages]]No| [[w:ANTLR|ANTLR]]| BSD| '''Arch Linux''': [ antlr3]|-  | [[gp:CS 4984 Introduction Integrates with Scholar, Canvas for testing; prevents access to Cyber Security|CS 4984 Introduction to Cyber Security]]| [[w:OpenSSL|OpenSSL]]| Apache| '''Arch Linux''': [https://www.archlinux.orgother tabs, perhaps other apps (by blacklist), resists running in virtualized environments and some releases of Wine, <em>must be run as administrator</packages/?q=openssl openssl]em>
| [ DigiView]
| style="background: LightCoral" | Proprietary
| ??
| style="background: LightGreen" | Yes
| style="background: LightCoral" | No
| Integrates with Scholar, Canvas for testing; prevents access to other tabs, perhaps other apps (by blacklist), resists running in virtualized environments and some releases of Wine, <em>must be run as administrator</em>
== Course management software ====== [ Blackboard] - ??? - 2010 ======== [Example LaTeX Chem Lab Report Scholar]- 2010 - 2017 ======== [ Canvas] - An example lab report for CHEM 1045 written in LaTeX.2017 - Current ====
==See Also==
* [[Computer requirement]]
* [[:Category:Libre course software|Libre course software]]
* [[:Category:Proprietary course software|Proprietary course software]]
[[Category:Campus bugs]]
[[Category:Featured content]]
[[Category:Needs restoration]]