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Linux and Unix Users Group at Virginia Teck Wiki β


Office space

8 bytes added, 00:04, 15 October 2012
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Despite the lack of official university support for alternative operating systems, there is an ever-growing number of Linux and Unix users and CS and ECE courses which require Linux. Over our 15 year history, VTLUUG has provided a number of services to the campus community including [ open-source software mirrors], [ detailed OpenStreetMap data for Blacksburg], [[VTLUUGInfrastructure:Acidburn|shell accounts]] and a [[gp:Main page|Virginia Tech wiki]]. VTLUUG would like to obtain dedicated space in order to hold office hours several times per week to provide technical support and installation help, as well as small group hands-on tutorials that can not be effectively accomodated during our weekly meetings.
Desired features of the office space:
Anonymous user