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Infrastructure:Sysadmin Handbook

30 bytes removed, 16:02, 2 June 2020
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This page describes how to manage the infra. See [ rtfm.txt] for a guide to build it from scratch.
This covers setup of a VM on [[Infrastructure:Meltdown|meltdown]] or [[Infrastructure:Spectre|spectre]] depending on if the service is critical or not. (This guide uses [[Infrastructure:Meltdown|meltdown]] for examples)
== Networks ==
We ''should'' have the following networks in place:
* [[Infrastructure:Meltdown|meltdown]] and [[Infrastructure:Spectre|spectre]] br0 on eno1 <--> enp4s0 on [[Infrastructure:Joey|joey]]. This is the main LUUG network.
** IPv6 via prefix delegation on 607:b400:6:cc80/64
* Clone <code></code> and install ansible. This repo is referred to as 'ANSIBLE' in this guide.
* Understand the [[Infrastructure:Network|Network]] and [[Infrastructure]].
* Have root on [[Infrastructure:SepectreSpectre|spectre]]
* Put your SSH key on [[Infrastructure:Spectre|spectre]]
[[Category:Needs Restorationrestoration]]