HokieTux, the VTLUUG Mascot

The Linux and Unix Users Group at Virginia Tech (VTLUUG or "the LUUG") is dedicated to improving the computing skills of its members, supporting Linux and Unix use on campus, and serving the community through Free Software and open data.

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Welcome back to Blacksburg for the Spring 2025 Semester!

If you're new and looking to get involved, please join our IRC/Matrix chatroom!

You can see more detail about each meeting on our calendar.
Information about each meeting also goes out on the announcement mailing list.
If you have any questions about Linux, Unix, Open Source Software, or our club, you can read our about page or join our chatroom.



The Spring '25 installfest is planned for the first week of February, precise date to be determined and added to the calendar below. If you're interested in attending or planning, come to a club meeting or join our chat!

Spring 2025 Meetings

Spring 2025 Meetings will be every Wednesday in McBryde 224 (unless otherwise specified) at 7:00 PM, starting on January 22rd.

Contact rishik@vt.edu for more information.